The Morning

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  • Dedicated to my younger self who wrote it

I am Alyssa D-. Well I guess only my first name matters as far as I know this morning was all a crazy problem that I never had wanted to happen ever even if I said that I hated my life. Let me just say this: would you rather stay with the life you had or get stuck as the last person on earth and no matter what it is impossible for you to die. I mean all my friends are ashes my parents and little brother are just dead bodies out front of my door.... Well the door that used to be mine now I guess it isn't mine because I decided to leave it behind. Anyway I have short blonde hair that goes down to my shoulders and I have green eyes.

Anyway last night it was like any other day come home after talking with friends being glad that we could spend most of summer together you know the usual. Then complaining about how much my life sucked then going to my room to ignore my parents and try to ignore my bratty little brother. Then him coming down and trying to wake me up as I listened to music. But unlike any other day I was more tired than usual so I had gone to bed early. I wish I didn't and had been with them listening to the news about how the war was going to start as each country was threatening a different one about nuking it all over so no life was left. I had thought it was stupid but now it is the biggest problem I have faced.

I remember only about ten minuets ago I had actually woken up. I realized that my alarm was blaring at me and I was going to miss the bus if I didn't get my act together. I paused thinking why my parents hadn't called me, then I considered that they had emergency stuff at their work so they left way too early to wake me up. Then I got on my school clothes also known as a black tee with a short sleeved jean jacket and a pair of black shorts. I was into the color black because I liked it I still do and I'm a girly-girl as everyone else says all though I was a tom-boy.

I remember going up to my white dresser that was covered with a black blanket on top with all my jewelry and also covered in black and red splatters. I remember I had to put on my ankle socks and put on my black flats too. It was that time that I went past all of the food down there in case if something really did happen. Then I went up the wooden stairs that were covered in paint, crayola crayon, and marker marks from when I was little and from my brother. It was a complete mess of color and I didn't really like it and my parents refused to paint over it because of the memories.

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