the collar

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Pink was watering Maddie's plant's since she had chosen to go home.
Everyone at the school had been given 2 weeks off because 5 people have gone missing in the last month, 2 had pink hair, 1 had black, and 2 had red.
Student's where told that they should go home and treat this as a vacation but they could stay if they wanted to.
Pink had chosen to stay as she could get more work done and all her stuff was here, meanwhile Maddie like many others(about 85 percent of the school) had chosen to go home and use this as a vacation. The vacation had started 4 days ago.

Right now Pink was watering the plants as Maddie had asked her too, she was also talking to Maddie over the phone. Pink had always felt.... uneasy when she was alone, so she turns on music to keep calm, but atleast when she's alone she doesn't have to hide her cat like ears and tail, and blacked out eye.

*knock knock knock*
The knocking rang through the house as Pink stopped what she was doing, as she  didn't invite anyone over.

Maddie: hmm, who's that?

Pink: I don't know, I wasn't expecting anyone over

Maddie: okay, well mabye it's a teacher, or a cop that wants to ask you questions, or something, I don't know.

Pink: OK well I'll talk to you later, bye

Maddie: bye!!

Pink hid the animal like features and went to the door, hopefully whoever was there wouldn't see her eye.

When Pink opened the door she saw a package, a wave of relief went through her as she wouldn't have to deal with people today.

Pink brought in the box, and unhid her ears and tail, and when she did she noticed it didn't have any tag on it or anything to say who ordered it.

Pink: hmm maddie must of ordered something

Pink debated on opening the package, it was probably maddies so she shouldn't open it, then again Maddie would forgive her for peeking and curiosity was getting the better of her.

mabye just a peek...
Pink thought with a slight smile, she didn't know what was inside but when she shook the package it sounded like a necklace or mabye some sort of collar?

Pink opened the box and immediately froze, smile falling and eyes wide with recognition as she recognized the collar in the box.
Pink saw a note and snatched it up, as she read the note she could feel fear grip her.

hello product 05889, we have been looking for you for a very long time.
After all this time we have found you, we have decided to send you this box as a warning, to watch your back as we well be coming for you very soon.

Pink: no, no, no, no, no, FUCK how they fuck did they find me!! This, this can't be happening, i-.... I did everything, changed my name, watched my back, made sure not to draw attention to myself, hid my eye with contacts, so how the fuck did they find me!?

Pink knew that the only friends she had, well she wasn't sure if they were still friends, that were still at the school were seth and wesley, and if she needed help she couldn't go to them, would they even help her if she asked?

Pink took a deep breathe, trying to calm herself down, they wouldn't come if she was in the school surely, I mean there where police officers here investigating the missing kids so she was safe, atleast for now, she had to be.

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