1 • our final night alive (it doesnt matter)

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this was it. the night.
yoongi locked the door behind him when he exited his apartment. he stashed the key into the pocket of his oversized black hoodie. he prompted a sigh as he took a deep breath. he walked a steady pace along the side walk, the streets filled with apartment complexes and houses. he was meant to meet with hoseok tonight, at their regular place in the woods. their woods. yoongi had told hoseok not to come tonight, as yoongi would not be able to go, because he had a song he had yet to finish the lyrics to. that was a lie. yoongi had no song waiting to be brought to life via simple words of ink embedded into a piece of paper; and if he did, it didn't matter now.
he kept going and going until he reached the end of the road. beyond the guard rail was a passage into the woods, a poorly made passage at that. it lead to a clearing in the forest that was home to a railway that was still in use. yoongi stood for a moment, staring at the trail like this was the final decision he'd make in his life. he went in.
yoongi cautiously stepped over the rusty, aging guard rail and plopped down onto the other side. he was hoping the path wouldn't be muddy tonight, but if doesn't really matter.
yoongi, who had his phone in his jeans pocket the whole time, retrieved his phone and saw endless messages from hoseok. yoongi stifled a sigh, and shut off his phone anyway. it doesn't matter. hoseok will be okay, he knows it. a voice screamed in the back of his mind that hoseok would indeed not be okay.
he walked along the gravelly pathway lined with an endless amount of trees. it smelled strongly of wood and dirt. makes sense.
yoongi finally reached the clearing in the trees, after what felt like forever, but in reality was probably ten minutes. still, a hefty walk for an out-of-shape college student who gets maybe five hours of sleep a night and relies of coffee.
with the clearing in the woods came strong rays of moonlight. it made the silver of the train tracks stand out, glistening. such a pretty night. well, it doesn't really matter.
yoongi decided to sit. to just sit there for a moment and admire everything. he gazed at the moon that was lazing in the sky, just hanging in there. the stars blinked tauntingly. they were still pretty, though. the quiet breeze that stifled throughout the air mad yoongi sort of feel relaxed and at home. like this was his final place on earth. yoongi got up. he had enough of the scenery. he slowly, very slowly, crept towards the railway which was embedded into the earth. he took a step forward, his foot coming in contact with the shiny metal below him. he then placed his other foot on the tracks as well. he walked along them, not going too far, only for a minute or two. it was deafeningly silent. yoongi felt like screaming, but he didn't. because it doesn't matter. well, he could scream and do anything at this moment. he could smash his phone to pieces. he could throw his keys away. he could do whatever he wants right now. because it doesn't matter anymore.
yoongi silently waiting on those tracks. maybe for fifteen minutes before he decided to check his phone, one more time. a last time. hoseok had seemed to send more spam messages, of course. but that's okay. yoongi won't answer them. he wouldn't want to bother hoseok. not with all of his burdens.

should be here any minute. noany second, yoongi mused. he kind of felt like crying, but then remembered why he was here, in the woods at two in the morning, standing gingerly on train tracks.
and then he heard it.
he heard the familiar, blasting sound of the entity who travels these rails; the being in which was trapped and built for these metal roads. he felt it, too. it shook and vibrated the railway as it came. closer, and closer.
but it doesn't matter. yoongi stood there.
this is what he decided. and when he saw the train come into view, coming ever so daringly closer. any. second. yoongi smiled.
here it comes. here we go. i love you, hobi.
was his last thought. the last thought to ever cross his crowded mind.

hoseok bolted, sprinted, speeded along the path of the forest. he was a dance major, so his legs had good strength anyway. he knew yoongi told him not to come to the spot tonight, because he had to write something, but yoongi would not answer his millions of texts. yoongi never ignores him unless there's something wrong. hoseok huffed as he reached the clearing. at first, he didn't notice it, but when he did, he gaped. he didn't know what to say. nothing. he couldn't. nothing would help now. because it doesn't matter. all hoseok could do was let his old body cripple to the ground, roughly landing on his knees. he felt absolutely weak.

a corpse lay limp; heavy with thick, dark blood on the railway. the very railway that a train had passed not even three minutes ago. if only hoseok was a couple minutes earlier. this wouldn't have happened. his love would be here. hoseok cried out, screaming.

yoongi is dead.

of course, hoseok blames himself. the sole reason he staggers himself out of his bed every morning was no longer existing.

yoongi's last text, ever, to hoseok earlier that day was; 'i love you so much, seokseok. never forget that, okay?'

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