New girls in school (Chapter1)

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"Hey are u OK, Taylor. " Talorian asked.  She was acting like she was so mad at somebody but she was in love. "Yes, Talorian I'm just in love with someone. "Taylor had a huge grin on her face. "Taylor girl who is this boy u like cuz I will kick his butt for not asking u out or nothing. "Talorian was so mad and happy at the same time. "It is Elvin Williams. "
Taylor's POV
Talorian was getting mad for No reason. Ever since I told her that I had a crush on Elvin Williams that when she wants to get mad. I can't take this anymore.
End of POV

"SO Taylor why didn't u even tell me that u like him cuz I could've had told him that u liked him." Talorian asked confused.  ELVIN had walked in the house without knocking.

Talorians POV

This nigga just walked in the house like he owned it without even knocking. 
"Hey" ELVIN said as he walked to Taylor's side. He was frowning at me like he was going to do something. "Hold up, how the world u just gonna walk in our house without knocking at the door." I said with an attitude.  I was so mad that I was going to slap Elvin in his face. "My bad talorian but Taylor had text me to just come over. When I got here I twist the doorknob and it was unlocked. "Elvin looked scared when he saw me glaring at him like "why are u even here".  I was mad so I walked into the kitchen to get three bags of takis. When I came back I saw ELVIN and Taylor kissing. "OK, I got all of us a bags of takis so stop all of that kissing now." They ran to me so they could get their bags of takis. "Y'all must be hungry or nah. Look,  Elvin we are about to have a party. I had just thought bout it so y'all can like.... u know get it on." I said with a grin on my face. I had a feeling what they were going to do at the party.  "Why are u being so mean, Talorian, u always have something on your mind when he comes over here so shut up. " Taylor said with a Look on her face. I can tell that she was mad.
Elvin's POV
I haven't seen Taylor this mad before. I think that Talorian is jealous of her because she don't have a boyfriend. I can tell that she needs to calm down. "ELVIN WHAT ARE U DOING" Taylor asked me frowning at me.I walked up to her and picked her up. I took her to the room and started hitting her in her face. "Next, time u need to stop yelling in this house. Do u hear me!" I didn't mean to hit her in the face but I really don't love her. When I got up I somebody hitting me. It was Taylor. "Don't hit me no more cuz I'm not a man. I am a girl. Get out off my face and don't come back over for the party. " She was crying and everything. I heard someone coming upstairs and it was Talorian. " What did u do to her?" She asked me coming up to me. I slapped her, too. I didn't want her to go near Taylor. When I slapped her she hit the floor and I took off my belt and started hitting her with it. When I got finished I went to Taylor and raised the belt in the air." No,  please don't do this to me. I didn't do anything wrong!" She was crying and got up so she can go to Talorian but it was too late. I had already started hitting her with the belt. She started screaming and crying. I stopped for a second and heard Talorian talking on her phone. "Please, come to my house,  Favione. He is hitting us with his belt." She was crying as well so I walked to her and said "u better hang up the phone before I hi-(gco )" She kicked me in my face three times and walked to Taylor. "Come Taylor get up. Favione, is on his way." Taylor had walked over to me and kicked me five time's. "Let's go, Favione is waiting for us outside." They ran downstairs when they saw me trying to get up. When they were outside Favione was, waiting for them to get in his car.
End of POV
So how did u guys like the story. I'm really sorry that it is kinda short. I need more characters to be in the story so if u want to be in the story just tell .me ur name.
Favorite thing to do
Who u want to fight.
I hope that u guys like the story. I will update the story and make a part 2.

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