Let me Go, Please....

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A/N: It's going to be a painful, tearful ride, Continue..... if you can handle the heartache.

I have lost someone precious than my own life, Who was my life.... Still is..... Always will be.

I just tried to pour my pain in words
Forgive me, if I hurt someone with this story, it was truly never my intention.


Kongpob's Pov---------

I Sat with my pen poised over my notebook, I had always hated writing on the computer. I glanced at the picture on my desk and traced the smiling face with my finger

"I am doing this for you, My love. I miss you"

With a sigh, I thought back to when this whole mess started


 "Oon' what’s wrong ??"

I put my hand on Arthit’s shoulder as he sat doubled over on the couch, his fist pressed just below his sternum and a look of pain on his face. He shook his head

"Nothing, Kong....Just indigestion or something….. heartburn. It’ll pass in a minute"

He put the cigarette he had been holding in his other hand in the ashtray before sitting up and leaning back against the couch, his fist still held against his stomach. I settled down next to him, taking his free hand in mine as I ran the other through his hair. He had been having heartburn issues for a few weeks now, and I was getting worried. He played it off, though, saying it was just stress from work. He hated doctors, but I had been after him to get checked out, especially after Alice had made a comment the other day about Arthit losing weight. It had been so gradual, I hadn’t noticed it until it was pointed out to me, but then I suppose it’s one of those things that’s more noticeable to someone you don’t see on a daily basis.

 "Arthit, please call the doctor tomorrow ?? For me ?? I am worried about you, love. Even if it is only heartburn, they should be able to give you something to make it better. I don’t like seeing you in pain like this, sweetheart"

 He took a deep breath, closing his eyes briefly before finding mine and nodding

"Alright, I will call and make an appointment first thing in the morning"

End of Flashback......

I paused, my hands trembling slightly as I fought to keep my emotions in check. Glancing up at his picture again, I breathed out

"Would it have made a difference if you have gone to the doctor sooner, love ??"

It was a question I had asked myself many times, and one I would never know the answer to.

I picked up the frame, holding it in front of me with both hands as I looked at him. He looked so happy, so alive. His smile was wide, and it was reflected in his hazel eyes as they looked right at the camera, at me. I could just make out the two booths in the background, some stuffed animals, and a couple of balloons. We had been at the local fair, just having fun and kicking back, enjoying a rare day off together. Tracing his face gently, I whispered

"Where did the time go ?? It feels like that was just yesterday, and yet…"

In truth, the picture was taken three years prior. When life was still Simple.....Happy..... Complete.

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