Chapter One

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  In this land, their are two kingdoms. The kingdom of the North, and the kingdom of the South. The North kingdom is ruled by the King, the Queen, and the future Queen. Princess Renee.
  Princess Renee, like Princess Opal from the Kingdom of the South, was cursed. She was cursed so that she could only remember the name of the one she fell in love with.
  Princess Opal, along with her mother father, and brother, ruled the kingdom of the South. Her curse was that she could only see color when her solmate fell for her.
  The kingdoms decided that they needed to unight. They planned to have Princess Renee of the North and Prince George marry bringing the kingdoms together when Princess Renee was a year older seeing as she was only 18 and Prince George was 21.
  The King and Queen of the North knew their daughter didn't want this but also knew this was the only way to turn the two kingdoms into one.
  Princess Renee sat on her bed legs crossed and hand on her chin scowling at the wall. Why did she have to marry Prince whatever his name was. She thought of what he would be like, well...tried to. Truth was, she didn't know anything about the Prince and was going to meet him tomorrow like that. She covered her face in her long dark hair.
  She heard a knock at her door and then a voice, "Renee...can you come out of your room so we can show you more about Prince George?"
George, that's his name. She thought
Renee sighed, speaking at the volume that her mother could hear her through the door, "I already know all I need to know about Prince what's his name," she argued already forgetting his name.
  "You don't even know his name," her mother said, smiling a bit.
Renee rolled her eyes, "Ha ha, funny."
  She stood up and walked to the door, unlocking it and stepping out.
Her mother frowned, "You're so pale..."
Renee rolled her eyes again, "I'm really not."
  She walked down the hall tripping over her long scarlet dress making her mother sigh. Renee was led into a room with a table with a chair sitting at each side. Their were book shelves surrounding the room that was lighted by the chandelier hanging above the table.
  "So remember, like you, the princess of the South, Princess Opal, was cursed when she turned 18-"
  "Mom, I know. All princesses are cursed at 18 for some un-none reason and she could only see color when her solmate fell for her. It really is a stupid curse because what if she never finds her solmate, let alone have that person fall for her. Also why do you even tell my her name, it's not like I'm gonna remember it," Renee said interrupting her mother.
She mother sighed, "Do not interrupt me.
  She pulled out a picture of the Southern royal family and showed in to her daughter.
  Renee looked at the picture. She saw King Reeve (Renee doesn't know their name this is the author saying their names) with his strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes. For some reason he had a curse to and Renee thought she had an idea why.
  Then she saw Queen Beatrice who had green-brown eyes that matched her long gown that was covered by her long blonde hair.  Near the Queen, stood Prince George. He stood as tall as his father with his same hair but with his mother's eyes. George had the same taned skin as his father contrasting off of the beautiful pale skinned girl to his right.
  Infact she looked nothing like her brother seeing as she was a blonde with blue eyes. Her hair was cut short with an undercut. She wore a scowl on her face.
  Renee felt her face heat up at the sight of the beautiful girl. Her mother saw her starring at the girl, "That's Princess Opal."
  "Remember, she holds the curse of not having the ability to see color until her solmate fell for her. Along with her having a curse, so do either of her parents. Her mother can only remember her memories from the current two years of her life unless she is with the one she loves who is King Reeve. Then, we have King Reeve who has a curse that must be some discovered reason sense know one is concerned on how. Anyway, his curse is to have any food near him repel back that is in a one foot radius of him, leaving him forever hungery," the Queen reminds her daughter.
  "The Southern Kingdom is known for their vegetation and livestock. They are in a good trading system with the West kingdom. Speaking of the West, they are rivals with the-"
  "Mom, I know. The East and the West aren't in a great relationship," Renee said, again, interrupting her mother again. She was visibly board with her hands on chin. She was never very interested in lessons life this.
Her mother mother scowled at her, "Renee, do not interr-"
"Good morning my wonderful family," a voice boomed from the other side of the dark wood room near the door.
  "'Morning dad," Renee says.
King Matthew walks over so the table and sits down I'm the chair next to him which creaked seeing as he was a big muscular man (Just picture Marada's father from brave), "You look beautiful, my love," he says.
Renee's mother raised her eyebrow at him, unimpressed, "What do you want."
  "What? I don't want anything think. But, know that you bring it up..."
  "Their it is," Renee said.
Her father huffed, "Fine. I need you to sew on my button..."
  "Can't you get one of the staff to do it?"
  "No, their busy," he says.
  "Then can't they sew it on later?" The Queen asked
  "But, I want my button now..." he says like a child
Renee's mother Sighs, "Fine, but first, let's get you ready for tonight."
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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