Chapter 1

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A:N Hi guys yay a new fanfiction!!

Im so excited for this one because I totally ship Newtmas like all the way!!

I would really appreciate if you dont copy becasue I spent a while planning most of the chapters! And if I find or someone tells me someone copied sorry I will report:(

Okay so lets get started!!

Btw I love ye all so much so do me a favour vote, comment and read please :* :*


Thomas' P.O.V

"Gally, get up!" I groaned. Sometimes this kid could annoy me without saying a thing. "Get the shuck up, you piece of klunk!" I yelled at him. He opened one eye and realised it was me.

"Thomas why so angry?" He asked me lazily. I just stared at him blankley.

"You forget everything!" I groaned in frustration and went into the room across. I sighed loudly when I seen that Minho was still sleeping.

"Minho get up!" I repeated what I was saying to Gally a few minutes back. He didn't move a muscle. "Minho you came last in running yesterday!" I yelled and at the speed of lighting he was sitting up.

"What, when, how, why?" He asked my all the question while I yawned.

"I only said it to wake you up!" I admitted and left the room. I walked past Gally to make sure he actually was up.

"So what is going on today?" Gally asked and I knew he had completly forgot.

"We are being divided!" I groaned. Every year at the age of 15/16 we get divided into four groups. The North, East, South and West. Well it sounds like actually nothing. But trust me you wouldn't want to know what goes on in each 'Senturie'.

A Senturie is what I just named out the four different groups. Right now Im in the best Senturie there is, the West. The West Senturie is for immunies and the wealthy. Mostly for the wealthy because immunies live in each Senturie, you find out if your an immunie or not during the division test. Which is today.

In the North we have the willing workers and study bugs, in my words future lab rats. Im not saying anything but that is true.

The South Senturie isn't that bad either its for the warriors and the strongest people in Wickedopeous.

And last but not least there is the East. To be honest know one knows what happens there. From what I heard some mental man exploded the train track and the food import stopped so they started killing eachother for food.

Many aslo say thats how the Flare started. And if you dont know what the Flare is, well better keep it this way and say your lucky to not know. Everytime you ask what sort of people live in that Senturie the answer is OUTCASTS.

The number one Wicked rule is to never get friendly or sexually involved with an outcast. I've never seen one before, so I honestly dont know are they different or like us, because they blocked the East off many years ago.

Scienctists from the Wicked Academy say if the Senturie or East is not blocked off the Flare will start spreding faster than ever. More people will die and if thats the case the whole human race will disappear.

Or there is a fifth Senturie in Wickedopeous but we dont really call it a Senturie more like a Palace. Thats if you are infected with the Flare and you are past the gone, or now even earlier they would send you to the Palace.

"Anyways I better dress up!" I thought to myself and dragged my feet to my room. As I really needed to stay in the West Senturie I think I will over dress myself.

I eventually found a white button up along with a pair of black skinny jeans. I rolled my jeans up at the bottom and looked around for shoes.

"Minho, did you see my Doctor Martens?" I yelled across the apartment. While waiting for an answer I looked around for them.

"I think they're under your bed!" He called back. "Do you want breakfast?" He added in. I bent down to look under my bed and they were the only things there.

"Sure!" I yelled back thinking what will he make for breakfast. I grabbed my wine dope beanie from a drawer and shuffeled into the kitchen.

"Eggs and beacon?" I asked raising my eye brow. I started laughing and the other two joined in.

"Beacon is not legal!" Gally tried to mime my voice. Okay to be honest I am a huge rule follower. Its really hard to follow all of them so I just stick to the more important ones.

"Thats like one of the first rules I ever planned to brake!" I admitted and Minho who rolled his eyes.

"Man, whats up with you and the all the shuck rules?" Minho asked whilst empting the containing food for the frying pan into our plates.

"Well that's the one of the last things my mother told me to do before...!" I trailed of and the other two understood what was going on.

"It makes more sense now!" Gally tried to lighten the mood by laughing so I joined in as well.


A:N First Chapter of a new book how exciting!! So guys can you please read, vote and comment it would mean the world to me!! Love yall <3 <3 <3 :*

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