we were in our bedroom, laying down together, watching stranger things on netflix.
we were cuddling. the covers were below my waist. his hands drawing circles on my stomach.
i got butterflies. everything about this boy is so perfect.
i didn't realize i was staring at his hands and not the tv screen until i heard his voice getting my attention.
"what's on your mind, baby" he whispered in my ear
"oh, nothing" i put my hand on his as i replace my stomach with my fingers
"you're so beautiful" he stared at me for quite a while but i didn't mind
"thank you baby" i said turning around pecking his lips
"i love your hands by the way" i proceeded to look down at his hands , breaking my gaze with grayson
"mm i can tell" he said with a sly grin
"shut up" i playfully hit his chest, spending the rest of my day in bed with my boyfriend that i adored.