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It was 6 months since she was arrested, for no reason. It was 6 months since Ishqi was arrested, for no reason. Yes, she broke up with Mayank.

But, what could she do? She knew Mayank messed with his best friend's sister, Sonu.

His best friend. Ahaan Veer Malhotra. Whom she called AVM. Whom she told that she was in love with him while... while... drunk. She did not drink knowingly, though.

Mayank made the bar-guy mix alcohol in her juice and coke while messing with Sonu.

She didn't remember any of this. But, she overheard Ahaan tell his brotherly cousin and that's what she heard. But, she knew he was a honest man. So, he could be believed.

So, this was the first chapter. Please review.

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