Chapter 1

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                                                  Emma’s POV

“Once you are finished with that, you can get started on the next task. Don’t waste my time or take all day, Understood?” A harsh man stood before me and said.

“Yes I understand, Sir” I claimed with my head down.

Before the elder man walked away he gave me a look of hungry and walked away slamming the door behind him. I jump at the sound and began to complete my work. My name is Emma Ylva and I have been trapped in this hell whole since the day my mother gave birth to me. I wonder about my parents from time to time, but not for too long as I think of my curl leader James. He who killed my parents. He who has me and my brother slaves till the day we die. I let out a small tear trying not to think of my past and future and turn to face a scum bathroom behind me. You would think that in the 21st century men would know how to keep a bathroom clean, but they do not. What makes it worse is that they are wolfs. The stench in the bathroom smells as if millions of kids threw up in a carnival and have never clean it up since the beginning of time. I walk over to the toilets and I begin to clean the mess in front of me. I wonder: what are the other girls in my pack are doing? They may be training since all wolfs are forced to train for battle. I never got to go to school or basic training like the other wolfs in the pack. Everyone got to go to the mall, drive cars, but not me. I can never remember the day where I have been in a car, let alone drive one. Or, even been to a mall. There has not been one day where I have been outside of this pack or even outside of this forest. I have never watched television or even listen to those things that people put in their ears to listen to music. I want a chance to be normal. A chance at happiness. A chance to…to find my mate.

An hour passes and I hear a cringe from the sound of the door.

“This mess is halfway clean” the angry man from before said.

I continued to hurry and tried to clean the floor before I would be harmed, but I was too late. Before I could respond, I felt a heavy pressure on my head, and I was laid out on the floor.

“I told you to have this mess cleaned up.” I trembled and received a kick.

“When you are told to do something you do it.” I received another kick to my stomach.

“I…am~” I received another blow before I could apologize, but this time to my face.

I cried. Cried for help, pain, and death. At this moment, I wish I could meet my parents in the afterlife than be here. I hope that he kills me. The elder man pushes me so that I am flat on my back and I hold myself. He pulls out a silver blade. He lays on top of me and slowly draws the blade across my face and I scream for help, yet he covers my mouth. I cry out in my mind for help, but I know that no one can hear or even see me aside from him. The elder man lays the same hunger eyes as he had before and states.

“I will make you learn.” He says as he begins to touch me. 

I move under him and try to force myself out, but his elder wolf age makes him strong. Just when the elder was beginning to open my blouse I hear footsteps running towards the door. I look up to see my brother Roderic. I am relieved that he is here, but fearful for the outcome of his presence. The elder man gets off of me and I run towards the nearest bathroom toilet in the enclosed room.

“And what do you think you going to do huh?” The elder man pushed my brother and my brother’s eyes began to turn black. “You are nothing, and you will never be nothing. You are a lowlife dog and your pretty little sister over there is a smut, just like your moth-“

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