Mind Reader

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It had been about a month since getting back to the Hollow Life the second time. Things had returned to normal. Well, as normal as they could be in a video game. Reeve and Adam had made up and were now friends again, much to Mira's relief.

The three of them were currently hanging out at Adam's house, sitting in his room and watching TV, and by watching TV they had in on in the background while they talked.

"Wait, Reeve," Mira got Reeve's attention. The three of them had been discussing the original game of the Hollow and how it worked. "So we all got to choose two powers, I know you chose telekinesis but what was the other you chose?" Mira asked Reeve. "I selected wind manipulation, but I never used it because Vanessa selected flight and I didn't want to effect her ability to tread air." Reeve shrugged, twirling his wrist, causing a miniature tornado to wrap around his hand. As soon as he had summoned it, he made it disappear. Adam let out a low whistle "That's awesome." he grinned. Reeve chuckled, "yeah, too bad I wasn't able to use it against you."

"Speaking of you, what was your second?" Mira asked Adam. Adam tapped his temple in response "I don't remember to be completely honest. It was such a rush I'm not sure what I picked." Reeve scoffed. "Oh please. You were constantly on about wanting to read minds, that's probably what you picked," Adam considered for a moment before answering "Okay, you're probably right, but how would I activate it?"

"All of the previous people who chose mind reading said they had to completely clear their mind. Enter a sort of meditative state." Mira pointed out. Adam considered, "Yeah that's true," he turned to face Mira "I know you meditate, could you help me?"

Mira's eyes lit up. "Absolutely!" she stood up, closing the window blinds and turning off the TV. She dimmed the lights (Adam had one of those fancy knob lights instead of just a switch) and took her spot back in front of Adam. "Close your eyes," she directed. "Why? It's dark enough in here already," Reeve joked, earning him a glare from Mira. "Shut up." she turned back to Adam "Close your eyes and relax your body."

Adam did as he was directed, trying to clear his mind. Mira's gentle voice was the only thing he focused on. "Now, open your eyes and look at me." Adam let his eyes flutter open and looked into Mira's eyes. Suddenly, he was transported. He was standing in a dark room, his room but he saw himself. He was in Mira's head, looking at himself through her eyes. His eyes were glazed over and his mouth was slightly open. It was a surreal feeling to see himself. Adam shuddered at the thought. He then heard Mira's voice echoing through the dark room "I think it worked! Adam, what am I thinking right now?"

The room swirled as it changed. He now saw a mind version of Mira making dinner with her family. Adam was amazed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, being pulled back into his own mind. He opened his eyes in his own body and looked at Mira "You were making dinner with your dads. It smelt like vegan lasagna." Mira whooped, "You did it!" she said, shoving Adam playfully.

Reeve leaned forward. "Bullshit. What am I thinking?" Adam looked into Reeve's eyes and felt himself be sucked into his mind. There stood mind Reeve with his arms crossed. "He can't possibly know what I'm thinking," Adam heard echo around the room. He went back into his own body and grinned at Reeve. "I can't huh?" he said. Reeve laughed "That's much cooler then my wind!" Adam laughed and the three spent the rest of the afternoon testing out Adam's ability.

The next morning, Adam was at school. He knew he didn't have to go, but it gave him something to do. "Hey!" he heard an energetic voice call out in the hallway. Adam closed his locker and turned to see Kai coming towards him. "Want to walk to Econ together?" Adam grinned. He always seemed to forget they had economics together. After all, Kai was a surprisingly good student. He sat quietly, he did his work, he was the teachers pet. Adam was not. He joked around with his AI baseball buddies, who were surprisingly well programmed. "Sure," Adam responded, bringing himself from his thoughts.

Kai was babbling as he usually did, his mind following 18 tracks of conversation at least. Adam was half listening. As they got to class, Kai and Adam took their seats. The lesson started quickly after the bell rang and Adam became increasingly bored. Then he realized he was surrounded with people and he had a mind reading ability. He decided to pick on a few AIs. He soon got bored with that after realizing that the AI simply had programming in their head.

His mind drifted to Kai, the only real person in this class. Adam glanced over at the boy, who had a focused look on his face as he took notes on what the teacher was saying. Kai was hard to read, Adam realized. With all of the thoughts that came out of his mouth, Adam couldn't help but imagine what was going on in his head. That's when Adam had the idea. He could enter Kai's mind.

Immediately after having this thought, Adam propped up his head on his hands and started focusing. He cleared his mind and glanced at Kai. As soon as he caught his eye, he was in. Adam looked around. He was in the classroom, but looking out through Kai's eyes. He glanced down at Kai's notes. There were plenty of notes but along the margins there were doodles. Adam had never seen Kai draw but he could tell that he was good at it just by looking at the sketches Kai had placed on the paper's edges. Adam continued to examine his surrounding, eyes landing on a door in a dimly lit corner. Adam approached the door. He hadn't seen a door in Mira or Reeve's mind, their thoughts had just been out in the open. Adam reached out to the door before hesitating. With Mira and Reeve he had permission, but Kai was different. He was unaware Adam even could read minds. He pulled his hand away from the doorknob and turned, deciding to go back to his own mind. That is, until he heard something coming from behind the door. It sounded like... no it couldn't be. He looked over his shoulder, staring at the door. "One look won't kill anyone," he decided, reaching out an opening the door.

He stepped into the room, blinking at the bright light. His ears were immediately filled with a series of lewd sounds. His eyes adjusted and he saw Kai sitting on his knees on the edge of the bed. He had a pair of boxers laying on the bed next to him and his shirt was pulled up, exposing his stomach and chest. With one hand he held his shirt to his mouth, trying to quiet himself and with the other, he was stroking himself.

Adam immediately shot back to his own mind, his face flushing a bright red. He glanced over at Kai whose pen was moving while he wrote. He looked unbothered. Definitely didn't look like someone who was touching himself in his head. Adam clamped his hands over his ears as he could still hear the sounds coming from Kai's mind, only to realize they were echoing inside his head. The pants and gasps had turned into begs and pleas.

Adam was trying so hard not to react, but he felt his face heat up and knew he was doing a horrible job of it. He couldn't get the noises out of his head. He could tell that mind Kai was getting close to release as he started getting louder. Suddenly, he heard his name. Mind Kai had started saying his name. He focused in on the sound. "Adam~" rung out through his head, followed immediately by a very monotone Kai thinking "Now that I've got your attention, get the fuck out of my head." Adam's head snapped towards real life Kai, who was watching him intently. Kai gave a smirk and a wink before turning his attention back to his work. Adam excused himself to the bathroom.

When class was over, Adam approached Kai. "How did you know?" he hissed, still extremely embarrassed. Kai chuckled "Vanessa told me. Mira told her. And I knew you couldn't pass up the opportunity to look into my head. Thought I'd tease you a little to teach you a lesson." Kai laughed at the expression of shock and embarrassment on Adam's face. "Next time you want to know what I'm thinking, just ask." Kai turned and left for his lunch period, leaving Adam standing with his mouth agape in the hallway. Finally gathering himself. Adam pulled out his phone and shot Kai a text.

'You're gonna pay for that.'

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