New Life

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All rights to the creators
This is a fanfic for fun not profit

The war is over, for now. Peace between the autobots and decepticons has been achieved and rebuilding of their home was slowly progressing. Optimus stood at the balcony ledge of one of the newly rebuilt structures overlooking the bots below him. Prowl and Sideswipe were leading the construction efforts while Optimus Primal and his maximals patrolled the cities for any signs of injured bots or hostile actions from either Megatron's groups.
Optimus leaned against the balcony letting out a sigh of relief.
"Nice to finally relax a bit prime?" Bumblebee asked, coming up beside him.
Optimus let out a soft chuckle. "It has definitely been a long time since I let my guard down.
"Heh, same. I can't believe it's finally over."

"Enjoy the moment, Unicron remains a threat to us."

Bumblebee looked up at Optimus. "Prime, the allspark is back where it belongs, our planet is slowly being rebuilt, and new life is being created everyday. We don't even know if this, Unicron, is even part of our timeline. So worry about it later and focus on the present accomplishments"

Optimus turned to meet Bumblebee's gaze. "You're right my friend. I will try."

Bumblebee smiled and was satisfied with the answer. He prided himself with his ability to break down the walls of the usually stubborn prime. Bee knew that Optimus still blamed himself for all the lives lost when they took the allspark off the planet. And even with things slowly returning to normal he could tell the guilt probably would never leave Optimus.

The sound of a harsh engine interrupted them. Bee leaned over the balcony to find the source in the form of a Orange, red and yellow car zipping down the newly repaired streets.
"Hot Rod. At least someone is enjoying himself." Bumblebee sighed as he watched Hot Rod speed past construction groups, disrupting their work and leaving skid marks behind him. The workers called after him angrily.

"Someone should find him a job." Bee grumbled.

"He is young and excited to explore." Optimus replied. I am grateful he and the other newly forged were born after the war and didn't have to taste its destruction.

"I think he's capable of more than enough destruction on his own." Bee said, earning another chuckle from Optimus.

A beep sounded from Optimus's com link, when answered Primal's voice sounded on the other end. "Prime, we found a survivor."

"We will meet you at the ward." Optimus hung up and left with Bumblebee following close behind. They arrived at the Medical centre which had been repaired and restocked recently with the new flow of energon over the planet. Ratchet was busy repairing a few other survivors that had been found over the last few days. Ratchet looked up from Inferno who had been repairing when Optimus and Bee arrived. "They're bringing in another one?"

"Yes Ratchet. How are you faring Inferno?" Optimus asked.

Inferno grinned. "Doc is fussing too much, it's only a few dents. I'll be able to help with the construction effort soon enough"

"Not if you undo all my work before I've properly finished." Ratchet warned with a glare.

Incoming steps drew the group's attention as Primal entered in his robot mode carrying an unconscious bot over to one of the empty medical tables. Inferno immediately stood up. "Red Alert?!"

Inferno moved towards Red Alert when Ratchet stopped him and forced hi to sit back down. "Calm down Inferno, you'll only open your wounds"

"Is Red alive? Will he be ok?!"

"I'll do what I can. Stay put." Ratchet went over to Red Alert and began repair after hooking up an energon tube. Inferno watched anxiously, trying to see the damage. Optimus moved beside Inferno and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Ratchet will take care of him Inferno."
Inferno slowly nods.

Optimus and Bumblebee met Primal at the exit. "Your maximals have proven to be skilled scouts."

"Our beast modes enhance our senses. I take it that those two are close friends?" Primal asked curiously.

Optimus nods. "I do not know the extent of it but I believe they share the same bond as I did with... Alita." Optimus tensed slightly, still finding it difficult to mention his fallen lover. Primal seemed to sense it and quickly changed the subject. "We'll continue our searches for any others"

"Thank you, Primal."

Primal nods and transforms to beast mode before leaving to catch up with his team. Optimus turned to Bumblebee. "I am glad to have their help."

"As am I. Many hands make light work and all. We should head back, check in with Prowl and the others."

Optimus nods and transforms, following Bumblebee down the street.


Chapter two is coming soon!
If you have any characters you'd like to see appear in the next chapter leave a comment below!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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