"Hey albedo!!" Bennett shouted as he ran up to albedo. "Hey Benny! What are you doing here?" Albedo asked pouring coco goat milk in a cup. "I don't know, just wanted to see what you were up to. I see coco goat milk..does Klee have qiqi and diona over?" Bennett questioned looking over albedos shoulder. "Ah, yes. Klee does have qiqi and diona over." "That's nice!! Can I help??" Bennett offered as he peeked into the other room seeing diona, Klee and qiqi all playing. "Of course you can Benny!" Albedo replied, accepting Bennett's offer.
The day was finally over and Bennett was exhausted from taking care of the girls. Albedo yawned as he said to Bennett, "You should head back kiddo, it's getting late." Bennett nodded as he took his goggles, placed them on his head and opened the door, "Bye Mr. Albedo!!" Bennett shouted as he waved walking out the door. Albedo smiled and he waved back.
Bennett finally arrived home and his dorm mate, Ficshl was sitting at her desk. She perked her head and heard Bennett walk in. "Hey Bennett!" Ficshl said pouncing up from her chair. "hey Ficshl! Surprising to see you up this late!" "Yeah, haha." Ficshl giggled as she jumped on her bed. "I was just about to head to bed..anyways, where were you?" Ficshl questioned pulling the covers and sheets down. "I was helping Mr. Albedo with the girls." "I see, you should rest..you seem tired." Ficshl demanded. "Yeah I'm exhausted, the girls were close to running to dawn winery." Ficshl laughed at Bennett's statement and she went under the covers and turned the lights out. "Night Benny!" Ficshl said politely. "Goodnight Ficshl!"
It was the middle of the night and Bennett heard a long loud and beautiful howl in the distance, it didn't much sound like a wolf. Bennett switched the light on as he put his jacket on and grabbed the flashlight. "That howl seems awfully close, I'll check it out." Bennett slowly creaked the door and closed it quietly behind him. He rushed down the stairs to see what was up. When he reached the exit to Mondstadt he saw a tall boy, that had long gray hair with a purple ghost wolf thingy. "HEY!!" Bennett shouted as he covered his mouth as soon as he yelled. The taller looked over as that ghost wolf vanished off. "Who are you??" Bennett questioned as the boy tilted his head. "Razor apologize..am razor!" The boy said staring at Bennett. "Hmm, razor! Sick name! But what are you doing out here? Are you from Mondstadt??" "Razor not understand..what Mondstadt??" "Ah, your an outlander! Your no Mondstadt citizen!" Bennett ringed in his head. "Razor agree??" The boy said tilting his head. "Looks like you don't understand." Bennett said reaching into his bag pulling out some raw fowl. Razor perked his head up as he pounced on Bennett grabbing the fowl. Bennett blushed but thought again, "am I catching feelings for a outlander?!" Bennett relized he said it out loud and he stared at the boy munching on the fowl. "Feelings??" The outlander asked tilting his head. Bennett locked gazes with the boy, "ugh feelings! Means you feel something special towards someone." Bennett felt so dumb after that but heard the boys voice, "razor has feelings, for you!!" Bennett blushed as he covered his face with his shirt. "Razor apologize if made rando sad.." the boy said dipping his head. "Oh no! You d-don't need to apologize!" Bennett said chuckling. The boy named Razor smiled and he ran off into whispering woods. "Hmm, acts awfully like a wolf. He probably lives around Wolvedom.." Bennett said walking back into the castle. When Bennett turned around he saw Ficshl smiling. "F-FICSHL!!" Bennett said shaking. "Shut up!! You'll wake up the guards!!" Ficshl said rolling her eyes. "I saw everything!! And I think Benny has a little crush~~" Ficshl teased. "WHAT NO..! Ack, fine! I do..but he's so pretty!" "MY BESTIE IS GAY!? WOOHOO!! LETS GETS SOME RAINBOW TWIZZLERS!" Ficshl shouted waking up he girl named Donna nearby the exit. "Can you two be quiet! It's still quiet time in Mondstadt!" "S-sorry don—" Bennett was cut off. "SORRY DILUC SIMP!!" Ficshl shouted. Donna narrowed her eyebrows turning around as she stomped into her home. "That's how you fix that angry old woman!!" Bennett laughed and they talked walking back to there dorm.
HEYYY! that was the first part of this book! I hope you like it, please tell me if I made mistakes, I'm AR16 and don't know a lot!! Ty for reading!!