> sadder than ever.

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As you can see, I used to have a few works and most of them were about Mega, or at least included Mega. They're all gone now, the same goes for my Wattpad, the stories I had about Mega on Wattpad are also deleted.


- Simple. Mega has been recently exposed by his now ex-girlfriend, Nicki, a former staff member of Invadedlands as well as a Manager on SplashMC, a server Mega conveniently owns.

I won't go into too much detail, there is proof about it on the Invadedlands website in the forums titled 'gg mega' and from Nicki's twitter, @evsyy

But short summary of it, Mega lied about his age. Mega said he was 16, then 17, and to another, 18. His real age is 17. You can see why I wanted to delete everything.

Along with lying about his age, he is also disgusting. Around February he lost interest in Nicki and decided to chat with another girl and sent messages to his side-girl which I really don't want to say any of them, all you have to know is that it's just him being a horny fuck that just wants money.

Not only that, he's also a manipulator!

Last year August of 2020, around August 8, a staff member, Decay, was demoted by Mega. Decay created a post on the Invadedlands forums talking about Mega and suspected Mega and NVS (Nicki) were dating, which he absolutely hit the nail on the head with that guess.

Mega made a response to the whole thing, talking about the potential reasons as to why Decay was demoted, but never really addressed Decay's assumptions about him and NVS dating. In the whole response Mega made, he only focused on Decay, not the other staff members. While you could say that Mega only talked abt Decay because he was specifically replying to Decay's forum post, it's still a bit weird Mega just doesn't acknowledge the other staff members that were also demoted. You could say Mega probably used his high rank to get away with shit and to be fair, while there isn't much proof of that, it's very likely.

With his response to Decay's post, he got a lot of people to be on his side with his manipulative response because in the end, Mega was a Manager and that's a very high rank. If your Superior said something about someone or something, you would probably believe them because of their reliable credibility - due to their rank.

Obviously this is now debunked, Mega is an ASSHOLE and has been since demoted from the staff team as of today. Rip bozo.

Last but not least...

Remember those toxic and overprotective partners some of you might have? Those who were very insecure and just downright ridiculous when they try to reason themselves for being jealous of every person you talk to? Yeah, unfortunately that's the type of person Mega is.

Mega would get jealous and pissed when Nicki would talk to other guys, when this mute motherfucker himself literally cheated on her a little while later. Overall, he's just terrible.

I had fixated on him for almost a year, loved him and made content of him. Art, videos and fanfics on here and wattpad and all my other social medias. And when he sent me that 'love u' on discord, I remember smiling and being so overjoyed. But ever since all of this, I've now deleted everything of him off my phone. On my social medias too.

It's so surreal, isn't it?

About 2 months ago, a PVPer named Avery was exposed for grooming. I cried. A lot. It hurt, it sucked because I really did love Avery and he was gone now because of what he did. Now it has happened again, except it's Mega. To be fair, I kinda expected it. A couple of staff members had already said their shit about Mega, not one but a few. That already says something about Mega. If multiple people can shittalk about you, you've done something wrong.

And definitely, Mega did something wrong.

And Samin (Mega's real name) you dare call Skeppy a disgusting, vile, creature when you yourself are one. I know you said it as a joke but it's kind of ironic that it's come to bite you back in the fucking ass.

Just a day ago I had a bad feeling, with all the staff members resigning from the InvadedLands staff team, I knew something was up. And it had to be the higher up staff members. Zelk was innocent, he has done no wrong. Hayech is the best manager in my opinion. The developers? They're just doing their job, nothing wrong with them. Zak? He comes online but never makes any videos on there anymore anyway. With all of that, the only person that could really be involved in some sort of scandal or drama, was Mega.

I guess I guessed it right.

I wish i hadn't guessed it right.

I don't want to believe any of this is real. I don't want to believe that the person I loved for so long did all of this. But the truth hurts, and I have to live with it. My love for Mega has turned into Hate, Pain and some weird nostalgic "love". I say that in quotes because I definitely don't support or love Mega anymore, but my brain just wants to reminisce in the times I adored and looked up to Mega before this whole shitstorm. Probably a way of coping, I presume.

No words can describe how much I don't want to believe any of this, how it feels so... unreal. Derealization of the whole situation, like I legit tell myself that a random guy who is coincidentally named MegaPVP did this and not my "beloved" Mega. The Mega that was funny, the funny mute man, the mute man who bullies all his friends for jokes. The mute man who's so sweet and kind despite his hard and rough shell.

But I know deep inside, no matter how much I ignore any of this and try to move on, at the end of the day, THE MegaPVP, Samin, did this sick bullshit and I'd have to live with it.

All my paracosms (a term for Maladaptive Daydreamers' detailed and imaginary worlds) were all about Mega and had Mega as the main star of the show. It's so painful to find out that your favourite person turns out to be awful. I feel like sleeping and never waking up again.

But at least I found out about the Madness Combat fandom in the nick of time.

That's all I've got to say. I don't have the balls to throw away my Megapvp plushie though, I stayed up all night making that thing. I will rename it and try to think of it as another person. A person named Arnie.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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