Chapter One

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His name tastes like sugar on my lips. Every time I look at him, my heart starts beating a mile a minute and my cheeks turn red. With his copper hair and freckled face, he makes me melt inside. Not to mention, his muscular build and his jaw-dropping smile. How could someone not like Corbin? I wanted him to be mine so badly.
Corbin was captain of the basketball team, student body president, and he drove a black Camaro with gold trim. He was the definition of popular at Valley Hills High School. Corbin was a people person, his best friend was the entire senior class. He was the person that everyone wanted to be.
Corbin and I were complete opposites. With my pale skin and plain brown hair, he would never find someone like me attractive. His piercing blue eyes would stare right through my dull brown eyes. Why couldn't Corbin like me... or at least know I exist... I was only a sophomore. I didn't play sports and I didn't really like to socialize with people. Books were my best friends. They transport you to another world where no one judges you. I felt a special connection with books, they understand me. Well, books and my friend Macie. Macie was a total tomboy; short black hair, played three different sports, and her idea of a fun night out was going hunting with her four other brothers. But she loved books as much as I did, so we got along.
I could never tell Macie that I liked Corbin. She thought all guys reminded her of her brothers, and the idea of liking a guy disgusted her. But I was fine with keeping Corbin my little secret. Macie and I didn't really talk about the guys we liked. Actually, I don't think Macie had ever liked a guy. I would always point out cute guys to her, and she would respond with some random comment about how this one looked like one of her brothers. Every. Single. Time.
I was in the sophomore library Monday morning, finishing 6th Harry Potter book. It wasn't like I hadn't read that series before; I couldn't count the number of times I'd reread this book because its ending always made me cry. Harry and Dumbledore were just about to enter Voldemort's cave when Macie ran into the library. The librarian, Ms. Hunter, shot up like a rocket from her desk and sternly growled, "No running in the library, ma'am!" Macie chuckled under her breath and slowed to a fast walk to the couch I was sitting at.
"Bee, you HAVE to read this book I found at the coffee shop a few days ago! It's about this vampire and three werewolves and a wizard and... Read it!!!"
I laughed at Macie's enthusiasm. She only got excited about books that were insanely good.
"Calm down! Let me finish this book and then I'll read your book, okay?
"Not okay!" Macie exclaimed "How many times have you read Harry Potter? I bet you have the plot memorized by now. Now go check out this book! It's called Mysterious Lovers and if you don't read it I will never speak to you again. Go!!!"
Macie shoved me out of the couch and I walked over to the librarian. I really hated talking to people in general, but Ms. Hunter was the absolute worst. People called her Ms. Hunchback because she was always leaning over her desk, writing down her log of books people have checked out. They say she could tell what kind of a reader you are by the way you smile.
"Uhmm, hi, can I check out Mysterious Lovers?" I asked shyly
"It's in the senior library, Miss Bella" Ms. Hunter said in a monotone, flat voice. She had my name memorized because I had checked out so many books in the past two years.
"Thanks..." I said as I slowly backed away from her desk and walked towards the senior library.
Valley Hills High School was the richest school in New York. We had a wing for each class, complete with a library, cafeteria, and gym. The senior library was on the other side of the school. Our school was huge; the second I walked out of the library I had to shove past people shouting and tossing footballs and crowding around lockers. But once I got to the senior wing, the hundreds of people disappeared. Most of the senior guys had cars and were probably in it right now, making out with the new skank of the week. My brother was one of those guys; whenever he gave me a ride to school he kicked me out right away and filled my spot with some random girl with big boobs and a small IQ. I rolled my eyes at the mental image of my brother getting it on with some slut in his minivan.
I opened the door to the senior library. There were so many more books here. I think the school thought that if they gave the seniors more books, some of them would actually read for a change. I walked up to the main desk. The librarian wasn't here yet, and the student helper had his back turned to me. I coughed quietly, unsure of what to say to get his attention. He turned around and faced me, and I froze. It was Corbin.
"Hi, do you need something?" he asked in that gorgeous voice of his.
I was speechless. Corbin was standing less that ten feet away.
"I, uhh... Do you have the book Mysterious Lovers?" I asked, my face turning pink.
"Yeah, give me one second." Corbin disappeared behind a huge shelf of books.
I shouldn't have been surprised that Corbin was some sort of student assistant. He was such a social person. Such a hot, social person...
"Here you go." Corbin came back from behind the shelf and handed me a shiny new copy of Mysterious Lovers.
"Thanks!" I smiled
Corbin smiled back, and for a second I could have sworn that he was blushing. I rushed out of the library before I could make a fool out of myself.
On my way back to the sophomore library, I couldn't stop thinking about Corbin. He was wearing a dark green flannel with light blue jeans. There was a tiny hole above his knee. His eyes sparkled in the light, even if they were artificial light bulbs. His smile made my heart stop. And I swear that when he handed me the book, our hands touched and there was electricity. I probably had the biggest grin walking down the hall, but I didn't care. When I finally got back to the library, Macie looked at me like I was crazy.
"Why is your face so red?"
"No reason..." I shivered as I thought about Corbin. Even his name brought shivers up my spine. I couldn't tell Macie about this. She thinks Corbin looks to much like her oldest brother, Peter. For now, Corbin would have to be my little secret.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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