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A cold tear runs down her face as the monitor lets out one long continuous beep and the line falls flat.

"Time of death eighteen twenty-four" he said as, he turned off and unplugged the monitor. Softly, before he left the room to let them be alone he said "I'm sorry for your loss."

Quickly she rushed to her mothers side and grabbed her hand as she cried. "Why, why God why did you have to take her away?" she said as she fell to her knees.

Her dad walked over and gently put his hand on her shoulder and calmly said, "Everything will be alright honey, she's in a better place now."

"No, nothing will be alright. Mom's gone and can't come back, how the fuck do you think things will be alright?" she said angrily as tears flowed like rivers from her eyes.

"I know because I trust in God, now we better get going, we have church in the morning, and watch that mouth of yours young lady.", he replied before realizing that it was nearly seven fifteen.

"Mom just died, and you're worried about church? How cold are you?", she said, cutting her eyes at her father.

While walking out the door he stopped and turned around and said, "I expect you out to the car in five minutes, if not you're grounded.".

By now she was hyperventilating and her head was pounding from crying so much. Her face was blood red as she walked out of the room to go to the car so her father wouldn't be mad at her.

After she got in the car and buckled up her dad looked at her and began to talk. "Crystal I-'' he was unable to finish speaking because she had interrupted him.

"Shut up, just shut up and drive, I want to go home." she said, rubbing her eyes with the sleeve of her hoodie.

The car ride home was quiet, so her father went to turn the radio on but Crystal turned it off immediately. When they pulled into their suburban house in the outskirts of Montgomery, Alabama, her father looked at her and put his hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes as if he was going to say something, but there was nothing to say. Crystal unbuckled her seat belt, got out of the car and slammed the door shut.

She angrily marched her way to the house and upstairs to her bedroom. Her bedroom was full of band posters and had a CD rack with music ranging from Blink-182 and Weezer to Angelmaker and Cannibal Corpse. Her dresser was messy and cluttered, the clothes inside were never folded and always wrinkled. She had a blue Fender Stratocaster with a black pickguard hanging on her wall by her door. That guitar was her pride and joy, it was gifted to her by her mother when she was thirteen. She put so much time and effort into learning how to play that instrument it was unbelievable, and when she played, she played like no other. Hanging by the guitar was a picture of Crystal and her mother. She couldn't stop staring at that picture, remembering all of the wonderful times she had with her mom and dreaming of what could've been. What should've been.

She rolled over and shoved her face into a pillow to cry, quietly she whispered to herself, "God please take me too.". She stayed up all night unable to sleep. At around six in the morning, she decided to make breakfast. She had never made breakfast alone before, every time she had done it she had her mother right by her side. She grabbed the eggs, cracked them and then put them in a bowl, however when she cracked the second egg she dropped it on the counter. Already upset, this set her off. Out of anger she knocked the bowl with the first egg off of the counter sending the egg all onto the floor. It was now around six thirty, and her father was soon to wake up, so she quickly grabbed paper towels to clean up her mess. After cleaning up she decided to make a pot of coffee.

"Surely I can't fuck that up too." she muttered to herself, annoyed.

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