First day

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  Hi I'm Y/N and I am 15. It's my first day of school. I recently moved to British Columbia, Canada. My parents split up and my mum got custody. I moved because most of my family lives here. My dad is a drug addict and he is in jail.

"Y/N come on!" My mom yelled from downstairs
"Coming" I yelled as I ran down the stairs.

  We got in the car and started driving and I soon arrived.

"Bye sweetie!" My mom said as I walked into school.
I waved her goodbye and got to class

  "Can I have your attention please" my teacher said to the class, they all went silent and looked at me.
"This is our new student Y/N" my teacher announced "Can you tell us a bit about yourself?" My teacher asked
"Uhm ok, My name is Y/N, I'm 15 and I'm from America" I said
"Thank you Y/N, you can go sit next to   Finn in the back" my teacher told me,
I nodded and headed to my seat.

"Pst new girl, can I borrow a pen?" Finn asked
"Of course" I said as I handed him a pen
"Thanks" he said as he smiled at me charmingly

*Time skip*

The bell rang and I went to get my stuff out of my locker. When I opened the door a note fell out: Meet me at the basketball courts.

  I made my way over to the basketball courts, I saw Finn leaning on a basketball hoop waiting for me.

"Follow me" Finn said
He took me to a spot under the bleachers at the football field.

"Here" Finn said handing me a cigarette
"Thanks" I said as he lit mine and his
"So what brings you all the way to British Columbia?" He asked after taking a long drag of his cigarette
"Uhm my dad is a crackhead and my family lives here so my mom moved me here" I said
"Thats tough" he said looking at me with a concerned expression
"Meh, it's cool. I didn't have much friends because I have a bad temper" I said shrugging my shoulders
"I guess you'll be more interesting" he laughed and nudged my shoulder
"I can say the same about you" I winked

He looked me deeply in the eyes and leaned in to kiss me. I quickly pushed him and got up.

"What the hell?!" I said
"Wait-" Finn said grabbing my wrist
I pulled away and stormed away throwing down my cigarette.

I ran home angry.

Finn's mind:

"What did I do wrong?! She was obviously leading me on, Right?" I wondered to myself as I walked home

I arrived home.

"Hey asshole get me a beer!" my dad yelled smacking the back of my head as I walked past
"Yes sir" I said as I walked to the fridge. I brought him his beer.
"I told you to come right home after school, school ends at three, check the god damn clock!" He yelled the clock read 5:07
"I'm sorry sir" I said looking down at the ground
"You know my back is hurt, Finn. I can't get my own food or beers. Now go grab me a TV dinner then go straight to your room." My dad said
"Yes sir" I said and I'm made him a TV dinner and walked to my room.

  I flopped onto my bed as my head raced. "Why did I try to kiss Y/N?" "What is wrong with me" I thought to myself as I cried myself to sleep.

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