Chapter Nine "Poison"

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Warning ⚠️: This chapter contains death

[23th June 2020,Wednesday]
{6:00 a.m.}

"W-What do you mean by 'all the foods are gone' !?" Blaza shouted. "It means there aren't any foods in the kitchen! The fridge and cabinets are all empty!" Tbh shot back. Most of the gang were terrified about this situation and Socks never knew this will happened.

"This never happened in the original timeline..." Socks thought. "The murderer must have sabotage us" Socks paused. "This might be included with the poison death for today..." Socks looked at everyone. "I can't change their death but that doesn't mean I can't help them..... We will play your games then..."

"Calm down,everyone!" Socks shouted but nobody heard him."Guys..!" he shouted but still everyone was still terrified. "GUYS!!!" Socks shouted out loud,making everyone froze and looked at him. "Look! I know you all are terrified right now but that isn't gonna help us!" Socks sighed. "We should all get ready first since we just woke up from bed." Everyone nodded and headed back to their rooms.

[23th June 2020,Wednesday]
{7:00 a.m.}

"It took you one hour to get ready!?" Meme asked with anger in his tone. "I can't find my sunglasses! Ain't my fault!" Blaza argued. While the both of them were arguing,the others were discussing the situation.

"Do you guys think we can find some fruits and animals if possible in the forest?" Joocie suggested. "That's not a bad idea, apart from the animal thing..." Laff mumbled the last part. "Me,Joocie and Wloof did saw some fruits on the tree in the forest but we had to make sure is it poisonous." Tbh said,pointing out the 'poisonous' part.

The word 'poisonous' somehow made Socks froze. "We will go to the forest and find food but remember don't eat any of the foods yet." Socks said, serious in his tone. Everyone looked at him for a while before nodding their heads cautiously.

"The game had just began,'friend'...." a whisper rang through Socks's ear, making him looking around cautiously. Blaza and Meme finally stopped arguing and joined the discussion.

"So should we all go together or we should split up?" Tbh asked slowly. Everyone was concerned before Socks spoke. "We should all go together for now. We don't want history repeating"

Everyone nodded. "Ok then! Let's go hunt some food!" Blaza exclaimed in excitement.

[23th June 2020,Wednesday]
{12:00 p.m.}

"Would you both stop stealing our foods?!" Muffin shouted to the two 'thieves'. "I'm hungry! We only ate an apple for breakfast!" Blaza whined. "It's better than nothing..." Muffin mumbled. Socks facepalmed, seeing this situation. They successfully found some fruits and now taking a rest under some trees.

"Meme,Blaza stop eating the foods you steal, they might be unhealthy if you didn't wash it with water and worse,it might be poisonous too." Joocie quickly interrupted the argue before it gets even worse. "It's the fruits we ate before! Apples!" Blaza yelled. "Makes me wonder why are there apple trees on an island" Socks thought.

"We can't eat apples all day though. We need protein too" Wloof said. "Have you see a single animal on this island?" Tbh asked. Wloof shook his head. "What about fishes? We're on an island! There are tons of fishes in the ocean." Socks suggested.  "That's actually not a bad idea" Joocie said.

"Anyone know how to make a fishing rod by using nature?" Muffin asked,looking at everyone. "Ya. I made one before when I was little." Blaza said,gathering wood sticks and some vines from the trees. "Can't we just use our hands?" Tbh asked. "If your an professional 'fish-catcher' ,go ahead" Meme looked at him. "But not now! Some of us are using the fishing rods too!"

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