The wish

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Apple and onion is diving down to neighbourhood preschool to pick up lemondrop. " Now, Apple can I trust you with parking the Vespa? " asked Onion " relax! You can always trust me! " confidently said Apple. Onion walked down on the sidewalk to see Lemondrop sitting on a bench waiting for someone to come get her. " Onion! " shouted Lemondrop as she ran to Onion's arms. " hello lemondrop, I'm excited to see you too! " said Onion, " where's Apple? " asked Lemondrop " Oh, he should be right- " said onion, while he was looking for Apple, " there! " Said Onion, while the both of them turn to see Apple waving at them " Apple! " shouted Lemondrop as she ran to Apple, " So, where's the car? " asked Onion " about that... I kinda misplace it, sorry, " nervously laughed Apple " Sorry lemondrop, we'll have to walk home because someone lost the car, " said Onion " I said I was sorry! " shouted Apple. Later, everyone is singing along with each other, while walking their way home. " spending the day with lemondrop, " singed Apple " she's so cute she's just make you wanna pop! " singed Onion " lemondrop we love you a lot, " singed the boys, while Lemondrop was dancingwith them. " we're here! " said Apple as he pointed to their house.

Later on, The moon has raised, Lemondrop had been put in bed and the boys are sitting on the couch. meanwhile, Apple has feeling for Onion. Special feelings. Apple thought to himself. " This is my chance! " Said Apple in his head. Apple was ready to confess to Onion. Apple quickly got up and trun to Onion. " O, do you wanna dance with me? " Asked Apple " Of course! " said Onion, as Apple play smooth music for them to dance to. Apple brought Onion close to him " I been meaning tell you somethin for a while now, " softly said Apple, Onion turned red " but I never had the guts to tell you, " " Onion, I- " but before Apple could say anything else the both of them started to glow. They glow so bright
That it woke up Lemondrop. All of a sudden, everything turned black. Apple and Onion woke up feeling strange. " is it me or something off, " Asked Apple. Onion grabbed a pocket mirror that was laying on the ground and saw that they was in the same body. the Fusion started to Freak Out. then felt something hit the back of her head. " hey who did that? " shouted the fusion, and then another thing hit her " Stop it! " yelled the fusion. the Fusion turn to see Lemondrop throwing anything to defend herself " stay away from me, you big monster! " shouted Lemondrop " Lemondrop, it me, I mean us, Apple and Onion! " said the fusion " Liar! " shouted Lemondrop. the little girl wasn't having it. " you have to believe me! We, I mean I am Apple and Onion! " begged the Fusion
" please " . Lemondrop stopped throw things " Fine! Prove it! " demanded Lemondrop. the fusion thought for a moment then she had an idea.

" spending the day with Lemondrop "

" she so cute, she'll just make you wanna pop "

" Lemondrop we love you a lot! "

singed the fusion. Lemondrop finally realize who the fusion was.
" Sorry that I tried to kill you " apologize lemondrop " Oh, it oka- Wait, what? " asked the fusion, lemondrop ran to the fusion to gave her a big hug, the fusion hugged her back with all her four arms. Later on, the fusion turn to unfusion herself herself. " Ugh, I can't think of anything, unless we're going to be stuck like this forever! " pouted the fusion " I wish things will go back to normal, " Lemondrop gasp " that's it! the wishing well! " said Lemondrop with excitement, as she pulled out a map of the city " there a wishing well in the middle of the city and the city's beach, we can go there so you can be Apple and Onion again!All we need is a quarter and bravery " explain Lemondrop, the fusion started to jumping up in joy " finally We, I mean I, can be two persons again! " said the fusion's Apple side " you know persons isn't a word, right? " Asked the fusion's Onion side " Well, I made it a word! " Lemondrop laughed while Fusion was arguing with herself " I like you, I gonna call you " Bow " " laughed Lemondrop " Bow? but why Bow? " Asked the fusion " I don't know. you just scream Bow, " said Lemondrop while putting her shoes on " Bow. I like that name. " smiled Bow.

Later, Lemondrop and Bow is on their the wishing well and Lemondrop was on top of Bow's lid. " Hey, before we turn in this, what was you gonna tell me? " Asked Bow's Onion side " Oh, about that I- " but before I could say anything he thought himself. " It wasn't for these dumb feeling, we all wouldn't be here " said Apple in his head, Apple start to doubt himself " Apple? Apple! " shouted Onion " Oh, right, sorry, " nervously said Apple " it was nothing " said Apple " you are sure? " " I'm sure, "
Lemondrop knew that nothing was something. but what? Lemondrop look up to see the wishing well " we're here! we're here! " shouted lemondrop as she slide off of Bow's arms and ran to well " Lemondrop, slow down! " begged Bow, as she chased after her. Lemondrop stare down to wall's water, she could see all the quarters that people earlier did. " alright, it all yours! " said Lemondrop as she handed Bow a quarter " thanks, " said Bow, as she took the coin from Lemondrop. Bow walk up the well. " I wish to be two again! " whisper Bow as she flip the coin the well. Bow quickly close her eyes and open them, then saw that she was still one. " It didn't work " pouted Bow, as she sat on the beach's sand " it pointless, " pouted Bow, while cry " hey, don't cry! look on bright side, " pleated Lemondrop " What could be so bright about me? " Asked Bow " You have 4 arms and those could be useful, Apple, you away want it be taller and now you're 7 feet! For last, you're most prettiest two combined person I have ever met! " said Lemondrop " But, I'm the only two combination person that you ever met, " said Bow " Still, you're the prettiest, " said Lemondrop, while hugging Bow " thanks, I needed that, " said Bow, as she wipe her tears away. " come on, let go " said Bow, but one side of her stop " Why did you stop, " Asked Onion " Onion, I lied to you, " Said Apple, as grabbed the pocket mirror from earlier to look Onion in eyes " I lied about that thing you asked me, it was something! " said Apple " Now that we're going to be stuck together, I might as well tell how I feel about you, " Onion, I love you! And I want to be more than friends, way more than friends! " shouted Apple, but before Onion could say anything, Bow started to glow again from one into two. Apple open his eyes to see that he was in his own body " Onion! we're back! " shouted Apple, as he hugged Onion " But why? " Asked Apple " remember that we needed a quarter and bravery to make the wishing came true. you confessing your love for me take a lot bravery, that what brought us back! " explain Onion " speaking about your confession, I like you too! " said Onion, he gave Apple a kiss on the cheek, Apple turned twice as red then he all ready is. Apple grabbed Onion's face and kiss him on his lips " Ewww! " shouted Lemondrop while covering her eyes from the kissing scene. Apple realize what he was doing and stopped " Sorry! I'm so sorry, I lost control of myself! I- " "No need to apologize, it fine " said Onion, while trying to cover up his blushing. all three of them hugged each other. Apple look up to see their missing car " Hey look, I found the car, " Said Apple while pointing at their now found vespa " Last one there is a rotten egg! " shouted Lemondrop as she took a Head Start but then she stopped cause she felt something glow behind her. She turn to see it was Bow " Bow you're back! " shouted Lemondrop as ran to Bow to hugged her " Miss me already? " asked Bow " But why is Apple and Onion Bow again? " asked Lemondrop " they wanted this, plus it nice being a fusion, " said Bow " Oh, " said Lemondrop, then she smiled. Than that Smile turn to a frowned " than what was the point of doing all of this!? " shouted Lemondrop as Bow laughed away and diving them home into the moonlight.

( the end )

thanks for reading

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