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Somebody out there is searching for love
Somebody also went to tell you how they feel
Somebody is aloud to expressions to they're feelings
Somebody wanna be worth it
Somebody want to be an model
Somebody want to get there license
Somebody wanna make there dreams
Somebody is not afraid to speak their mind
Somebody always gonna about you
Somebody is out there is wishing they could make everything right
Somebody out there is wanna reach there goals
Somebody wanna prove all everybody wrong
Somebody is lost in trying to find there way back
Somebody want to become an professional writer
Somebody is falling in love with the wrong and they look for all the wrong thing and the wrong places
Somebody wanna be a professional chef
Somebody has problems with there self esteem
Somebody out there trying to face their reality
Somebody out there wanna know when the violence is going end
Somebody will teach their kids how to survive
Somebody is going to be an actor
Somebody out there love music
Somebody out there is traveling across the world
Somebody should learn from there mistake
There in pattern in somebody life they wanna break
Somebody wanna go out I'm party
Somebody is trying to get there life
Somebody somewhere is dealing with the same thing your dealing with
Somebody is trying to control there anger
Somebody want to meet there role model
Somebody should try to reason with you before they try to argue with you
Somebody come into your life in charge the way you think

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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