A Phantom Encounter

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The rising orange sun rose at the Eastern horizon of the Pridelands. On Top of Priderock sat an young, gold furred lioness. She gazed upon her kingdom, the land that she would one day rule herself.

Her father was already out on patrol, and her mother was ready to lead the lionesses out for the morning hunt. So right now she could relax before she had to meet up with her team. She briefly glared down at the mark fo the guard on her shoulder, and sighed. Usually the heir to the throne was usually not the one to be the leader of the guard, but there's a first time for everything.

"Ayanna!" A cheery and energetic voice called out.

The Lioness turned around and saw a reddish-brown male teenage lion approach him with a huge smile on his face, as always. "Could you not see I was trying to relax Zuberi?" Ayanna jokingly remarked.

"I know, that's why I wanted to come out here and annoy you!" Zuberi joked back.

Ayanna chuckled. "You really are something else. But can you go wake up Zahour because we need to go out on Patrol here soon after my dad gets back"

Zuberi raised his paw up to his face, saluting Ayanna. "Yes ma'am." After that Zuberi quickly dashed into the den, where soon after a loud "ZUBERI!" was heard.

Ayanna rolled her eyes and began to walk into the den.

The orange glow of the fire, and the dense smoke filled the night sky. All that could be heard were the sounds of animals running for their lives. A young lion cub, whom had a brown fur coat and even darker mane spritned throughout the savannah field.

He tried to run as fast as he could, hoping he could make it in time. He stopped on top of a hill, and looked down. He tried to continue running, but a huge green energy burst went off, launching him back.

Once he got up he ran over, but they were gone. "MOM, DAD! WHERE ARE YOU!" He searched everywhere for them, but they were gone. Their bodies were nowhere to be found. He was alone.

"Hey Yazid! You ok?" Another teenage lion said, while waving his paw in-front of Yazid.

"Yeah sorry Barack, I was just thinking." Yazid said, clearing his head.

"So what's the plan?" Another teenage lion asked.

"So we just need to sneak in though the boarder. And if my observations are correct, the Guard should be leaving that side of the pridelands from now."

"You mean when the Princess is on the other side of the pridelands." The teenage lion remarked.

"Shut up Jabari! That's not the point. Anyways it's said that the first stone should be hidden in a cave near that area. We go in, grab it, and since it should be reading here soon, we can use the rain to mask our scent. Got it?"

Jabari and Barack nodded. "Good, now come on, lets go!" Yazid ordered

Soon the sun moved into the center point of the sky,and by then the Lion guard began to leave the area Yazid and his team were targeting. Once the Guard were away, and they could see the storm clouds moving in, Yazid and his teammates moved in and sprinted through the Prideland boarders.

Once they spotted the cave entrance, the three teenagers quickly slipped in. Once they walked in thunder could be heard, which meant that they needed to hurry so they could use the rain to hide their presence.

They navigated the dark cave with caution. As they didnt want to be crushed to death, and since they could barley see anything, it was best if they moved slowly.

They paced through the cave until they spotted a small green light from around the corner. From there they walked to the entrance of a small room, and saw in the center, a small glowing rock. Jabari walked up and picked up the stone in his jaws. Once that was done they turned around and began to walk out.

"Finally this is done and over with!" Barack joyfully exclaimed.

"NOT YET IT ISN'T!" A loud female voice shouted.

The three lions turned to the entrance of the cave and saw Ayanna standing there at the entrance fo the cave with her team.

"So you must be the Princess, such a pleasure to meet you!" Yazid exclaimed.

"Save it, I know you have been stalking me and my team, now put the stone back where it was and nobody gets hurt!" Ayanna ordered.

"Sorry but, we can't do that! So step aside!" The princess growled at the outlander.

"Fat chance! In case you didn't realize, you're talking to the leader of the Lion Guard de-"

"Defenders of the circle of life and protectors of the Pridelands. Yeah I heard your stories before."

"Then you should know that we are not to be underestimated!"

"REALLY? You expect me to believe that you have some magic roar that could send us flying. Not only that but you seem to be two members short Princess!"

"Fine, have it your way." Ayanna quickly sprang off her feet and pounced on Yazid, pinning him to the ground.

"RUN!" Yazid ordered. Barack and Jabari nodded and turned to the entrance of the cave, only to be confronted by Zuberi and Zahour.

"Jabari? What are you doing?" Zahour asked.

"Hold up you know him!" Zuberi asked. However since he wasn't paying attention, Barack quickly ran up and knocked him back.

"Sorry I have to do this, but please stand out of my way!" Jabari asked.

Zahour growled. "I'm not a coward like you brother!"

"Then I'm sorry." Zahour pounced at Jabari, with his claws out, ready to go at him. However Jabari quickly reacted and knocked him into Ayanna, effectively releasing Yazid from her grasp. "COME ON, LETS GO!"

Yazid nodded and quickly sprinted out of the cave with his teammates, and back into the pridelands.

"THEY GOT AWAY!" Ayanna shouted, while angrily slamming her paw on the ground.

"Calm down, we'll get them next time!" Zuberi said.

"It's not that, they stole one of the most important artifacts in the Pridelands history. Who knows what they are planning on doing with it!"

'Either way, getting angry isn't going to help us." Zuberi replied.

"I know, but there was something....infuriating about that lion. As if he was mocking us."

"Aside from the fact that we have neither a bravest nor a fastest recruited." Zahour added.

"Yeah, I mean we can at least see if a cheetah might want to join us!" Zuberi suggested.

"Not an option. My dad thought of that, but the cheetahs want nothing to do with the Guard. And since nobody else in the Pride is above average in terms of bravery and speed, it'[s just us for now."

"So the cub already got the first stone....interesting.....guess its time to start the invasion then." A shadowy figure, observing from the boarder of the outlands remarked. She stood up and began to walk off towards the large dormant volcano.

Yeah I know, finally I do something other than making a random post rambling about Power Rangers. But yeah I wanted to kinda experiment, since there arent that many stories involving past lion guard teams exclusively, I wanted to try something new, not only in the sense of a pre TLG focused story, but one where the team is basically split in half and pinned up against each other. Though since this idea is fairly recent its gonna take a while for me to develop the full thing. But thanks for reading, and dont forget to bully me in the comments below, I appreciate it. 

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