Simple Inconvenience.

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"Didn't you guys hear?!" Ashido sprung up from her chair and started yelling to the class. This got everyone's attention by now. "Ashido! Sit down! This is very unprofessional!" Iida starting swinging his hand scolding Ashido for getting up. "It's important! Just listen to me for 2 seconds!" Ashido stood on top of Aizawa's desk, Aizawa who was passed out on the side of his desk obviously didn't notice.

"So it turns out... There's a quirk in town making people fall in love with others !! From what I've heard, people affecting by it would fall in love with the first person they see when getting struck and that love would last for a week. Apparently the effect really sinks in after a day, " She looked around at the class who wasn't concerned or at least look liked they weren't. "Come on~ Guys! This is important! What if one of us gets hit by it?!"

"Does that mean-?! If any of the girls get hit with it and see me they'll love me?!" Mineta got excited at this idea of the new quirk. "Aeugh!" Jirou gagged. "But.. He's got a point... if one of us gets hit by it we must be sure to keep out of the way of the others. Love could get in the way of our training.." Yaoyorozu got up and put her finger on her chin like a thinking position.

"Whatever. This sounds stupid anyways." Everyone turn to hear the raspy voice coming from the blonde man. "Love? Really? What kind of fuckin' quirk is that?" Bakugou re-positioned himself to put his feet on his desk. "Well— Kacchan- If someone were to use that in battle they could sway the other to stop fighting— Maybe with that they cou-"

"I-I'm sorry, Kacchan—!!"

"Yea dude.. like, I don't think love is something you can force. It just kinda comes- that's what I know of at least." Kirishima said scratching his head.

What? Why would Shitty Hair know anything about love? Does he—

Bakugous thoughts were immediately interrupted by Ashido again. "I guess it just messes with your brain and stuff-! But thats all I wanted to say so!-" Ashido got down from the desk and hopped to her seat. Everyone went back to their normal conversations besides 1.

He didn't understand why Kirishima would know a thing or 2 about love. Did he- Did he like someone? Suddenly this thought hurted Bakugou. Kirishima liking someone. Who is that someone? Was it him? It couldn't be him, Kirishima was way too happy for someone like Bakugou. These questions continued to race in his head before—

"Hey Bakugou!!" It was the happy jolly red haired idiot Bakugou loved. "There's a new movie based on Red Riot that just came out!! I thought you would like to see it with me maybe?"

"Tch. Sounds stupid." He wanted to spend more time with Kirishima but didn't know how to say that he did. "Cmon! He's my favorite hero! Won't you do it for me?"

"Ugh. Fine. Whatever. Well go see the shitty movie."
"Yay!!" Kirishima hugged Bakugou which got his face all flushed up. "You don't know how happy this makes me!! Watching a cool movie with my cool friend! I'm so excited!"

Friend... Bakugou wanted to hear the word "Boy" in front of that so bad. But it couldn't be helped.

They walked to the movie theater. While Bakugou was paying for the tickets,  was holding on to his arm. A little girl saw the two boys and stared at them. Kirishima noticed the girl and walked up to her. "Hello little girl!" The little girl held on to Kirishimas hand and said, "You look like you could use a little love in your life!"

Kirishima felt a tingle in his hand but didn't think much of it. He turned back to Bakugou and-

Did Bakugou always look that beautiful? Whatever— He would just focus on the movie.

During the movie, Kirishima would find himself staring at Bakugou the whole time. His skin looked so soft. He just wanted to.. hold it.. That's when without thinking Kirishima held Bakugous hand. The blonde boy blushed but didn't think about anything.

After a few hours, the movie ended. They went back to their dorms and the next day came. Kirishima got ready, walked out of his dorm, and- "Oi, Shitty Hair? You ready to go to class?"

He looked so pretty.
What was this feeling?
He just wanted to hold Bakugou.
He wanted to hug Bakugou.
Look into his eyes.
And even ki—

"Shitty Hair! Get your head out of the clouds jeez. Cmon let's go."

"Ah- Alright Bakugou!" Kirishima held onto Bakugous hand again which was something Bakugou wasn't prepared for. Why was he holding my hand so much? Bakugou decided to ignore it and keep walking to school. After that interaction Kirishima got up from his chair and started to approach Jirou, who happened to be the seat next to Bakugou. And Kirishima knew that.

"Hey, Jirou? Can I sit at your desk for this morning till Aizawa wakes up?" What? The fuck? What was Shitty Hair getting at? Why would he want to sit next to me? "Oh I mean, sure why not. I was heading off to Kaminaris area anyways." Kirishima gave Jirou a warm smile and sat next to Bakugou happily.

"Oi! Raccoon Eyes! What'd you say about the Love Quirk yesterday?" Ashido got up from her seat and walked over to Bakugou. "Why do ya ask?" Bakugou pointed his finger to Kirishima who was now resting his head on Bakugous shoulder.

"I don't— Wait. OOOHH!!" Ashido then went up to Aizawa who was sleeping and told them about the situation.

Iida, noticing that Aizawa was up then got up himself and said to the class, "Alright everyone! Settle down! Aizawa has woken up so everyone please return to your seats!"

"Huh?! But I wanna sit near Bakugou!" Kirishima whined tugging on to Bakugou harder. Kirishima had to be dragged back to his seat by 2 others to get him to sit down. But still, he wouldn't stop looking at Bakugou. Why was he looking at me so godamm much? And why the hell am I somewhat enjoying it.

"Okay everyone, it seems like Kirishima was hit with the love quirk Ashido was speaking about yesterday.. And coincidentally, the first person he looked at was Bakugou. So it seems like Kirishimas gonna be all over Bakugou for the next week."

"Wait I thought Kirishima already lov-"
Uraraka immediately covered Hagakures mouth and just hinted a "Not now." Look, and Hagakure understood.

"So Shitty Hairs gonna be like this for a week?!"
"Hey! Bakugou it's not so bad!"

Bakugou wasn't upset about Kirishima loving him. He was upset about the fact that-

The love was a quirk. Kirishima probably really didn't even love him.
It was gonna be a long week.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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