Gone For Life

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I'm Caitlin. You can call me Cait. Well, don't call me that. Just call me Ayla. It's much easier that way.

You probably don't know what I'm talking about...do you? Well, let me tell you about myself.

I'm origionally from Montana, but due to a series of unfortunate events, I was forced to move to New York City. Someplace crowded...where no one could find me. 

You might be wondering why not someplace where not many people live, but if you think about it, it's quite a bit safer in an over-populated area. 

My family. I had a Mom, and a Dad. I also had an older brother, and a younger brother. I will not tell you their names because I don't want anyone to know. It's not their business. I'm a very secretive person. Ive grown up that way. 

I only told you my real name because i'm okay with it. I'm okay with being found. I've been through a little too much for my liking. At this point I wouldn't mind being dead. That might sound a bit extreme, but not if you know the whole story. 

It started when I was 17





I shivered as I pulled the large quilt tighter around my body. Snowflakes landed on my black boots.  I hugged my knees up closer to me, hoping for more warmth. I looked around the alley I was sitting in, feeling unsafe and lost. 

I always liked dark places...but never alleys. 

I slowly stood up and began walking out, still holding the quilt tightly around me. I heard the light layer of snow crunch under my boots, as I tried concentrating on warm things. Anything warm. 

I have no where to go, and no where to be. It might sound nice, but honestly, I'd rather be at school. I miss school. 

I know what you're thinking. "A teenager missing school!?"

Well i'll tell you something. You don't know that it's like. For home to be where ever you lie your head. I'm not allowed at school. I'm not allowed anywhere.  All I have is a small amount of cash, an old quilt, and the clothes I left with. Which by the way is a pair of long black socks, faded black skinny jeans, a loose white tank top, a coat, my 'undergarments', and a pair of black boots. 

I'm hopefully going to make it to New York City without getting caught or dying. With the small amount of money I have at the moment, i've split it into groups. Food, and transportation. 

I stopped walking at a bus stop, then pulled my money out of my pocket. I got out as much money as needed, and held it up, getting a bus drivers attention. The bus was now parked in front of me, door open. I handed the driver the money and took a seat in the bus. 

"Where to?" 

"What's the farthest you can go?" I asked.

"Just to the border line. There's no bus stops until the next town in North Dakota."

"Ill go there."

The bus driver began to drive, as I drifted off to sleep, knowing that it'll be a while.



I woke up to the bright sun shining through the window. I looked around to find the bus completely empty. 

I swore under my breath and looked out the window in hopes that I knew where I was. 

The bus was parked at a small gas station. I noticed the bus driver pumping gas into the bus.

I sat back, relieved. 

I folded up my quilt, and pulled my hair back into a long braid. 


The bus driver soon came back into the bus and offered me a pack of mini doughnuts. I gladly took them, giving the bus driver a small smile. 

I took one of the powdery pastries out of the package and ripped it in half, searching for anything harmful. 

I don't trust anyone or anything. 

I took a bite, enjoying the only thing i've eaten in a long time. I've lived off of water for a while now. 



The bus suddenly came to a stop. 

"End of he line. Out with ya." The bus driver said.

"Thanks." I said quietly, stepping out of the bus, the large folded quilt draped over one arm. 

I watched the bus drive away, back to town. Then I was left, out in the open. Next to a blank road. Clueless as to where I was headed. 

I began walking down the road, making slow progress. 

I looked around me every now and then, making sure I was alone and there wasn't anyone following me. I was being as cautious as I possibly could. 

It's not fun or easey being a young girl on the run. 





what do you all think? it'll get more exciting later on. share? comment? vote? (: 


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