... [ Edited ]

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School has ended and the students are  preparing to leave.

You came from a different school since the school  William was lecturing on was  a boy's school so you usually visit him because your class finishes early  than this school which wasn't actually allowed at first but since  you weren't actually causing any trouble, The staff didn't really mind now.

You were walking in the hallways, looking for the blonde. "William!"  You said with a cheerful tone as you excitedly  ran towards the empty classroom   with  only the professor who was reading his book peacefully  inside the room.

" You're supposed to call me "Professor" you know?, I am the teacher  here afterall." 
The professor  said with a soft chuckle as he closes his book turning his attention to you.

" Okay,okay  professor it is, Mr.Professor." You said with a fake  sigh, glancing  at the blonde if he would laugh at your lame joke but  instead, silence came from the professor.

"Uhh Hello? You still there?" You said as you waved your hand in front  of the direction William was staring at, startling the blonde.

" Ah, I'm sorry, what was it again?" He  said  as he finally turns his attention to you.

" You know, You've been staring at the window for a LONG time you know? I wonder who's that  lady  outside you're staring outside huh? Is she that  pretty huhh?~" You said  teasing the blonde.

" Ofcourse I am not, There is no possible way  that I would  stare at a lady who I  am not familiar with.." He said displeased as he puts his things inside his suitcase preparing to leave.

" Of course not! hahaha! I was just kidding mr.professor! If that was actually true I would've had a 'nice talk' with that lady I was referring to already Haha!"
You said  as you hit his shoulder lightly while laughing like a moron.

" Alright, alright, Let's go home now  shall we? You're going to stay for the night in the manor anyways right?" William said, letting out a small chuckle as he gets ready to leave.

" Yep that's right! plus, I really want to eat Louis' cooking  right now, haha!"

The both of you stayed in  a comfortable silence  until the two of you finally get out of the campus. The road was filled with the sounds of busy people and carriages passing by, but you didn't mind it, You liked hearing those kinds of noises when you walked with William.

It was pretty quiet so you decided to pick a topic for the both of  you to talk about.

"Its been really dangerous lately you know? I mean, The Lord of crime, I heard that there were many who got killed these past few days."

Before you got to say anything else, You noticed that William had stopped moving from his position with his eyes widened, not moving an inch like it was as if he froze.

"William? Are you alright? you seem kind of weird lately-" 

"Ah- no, no its nothing, I was just busy thinking, my apologies, what were you trying to say again?" He cuts you off with his usual soft smile.

William was always this kind and gentle but you know that he wouldn't doze off like that for such reasons.

"Oh, okay then.. then let me just finish what I was saying."
You paused a bit before continuing your sentence.

"As I was saying, There has been lots of crimes where the Lord of crime was the one pulling the strings behind it,so I want you to be careful William."
You said with a reassuring smile.

--"Perfect"-- | (William James Moriarty x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now