Just A Little Push

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Although Frank was a little hesitant at first, he thought that if he had to be stuck on the boat with the very persistent Lily then he should let her drive. She was so mesmerized by their surroundings and believed it might have been relaxing to drive the boat through the jungle.

Frank helped her with whatever he could before she began shooing him away, telling him that she knew was she was doing (when really she didn't and Frank knew this). But he decided that the only way she was gonna learn was through trying it herself so he left her there to do her thing.

Frank, now with nothing to do, heads to the front of the boat to see what Macgregor was doing. He hasn't really had a chance to talk with him since they started their cruise so he figures this could be a great time. As he looks around his eyes land on the slim man leaning on the front of the boat, looking off into the bright jungle. Frank was taken back at how beautiful Macgregor actually was as the light shined on his face, causing Macgregor's blue eyes to brighten. He looks much more relaxed than he had before, now safely and calmly floating down the river.

Frank has to admit that he thought the guy was a little stuck up and spoiled but as time has passed he sees that Macgregor is actually a really sweet guy. Over that last hundred years or so he hasn't had many people enjoy his company or his jokes but when Macgregor laughed at them his laughs were genuine. They made Frank proud and embarrassing as it might be they tried to hide a blush when that happened. But now as Macgregor leans on the boat, Frank wants to get to know him a little more.

Frank walks slowly to the other man. On one hand, he wants to scare him and make him jump but on the other, he just wants to talk with him and make him feel safe. Usually, he would probably just scare a person, being around as long as he has there really isn't much entertainment, but instead Frank chooses to slowly approach him.

"Are you watching the dolphins?" Frank asks (really Frank you couldn't have come up with something better to say?)

Macgregor turns around surprised and tense but when he sees Frank his shoulders drop and he smiles. "Oh hello, and no. I haven't been able to spot them again but I have been admiring the landscape. Lily was right, it's spectacular here." His eyes drift off a bit as he looks at the flowers and trees. His eyes follow a toucan passing over and as it goes past Frank their eyes slightly meet. Macgregor quickly looks away and blushes. Frank on the other hand looks confused but he shrugs it off. "Of course I absolutely hate the spiders and the dangerous fish. I haven't had a bath in days and if you think I am taking one in there then you better think again. It's gross but I would rather smell that get me... well you know..." Macgregor whispers the last part somewhat flustered.

Frank's eyebrow raises and he looks confused again. "What?"

Macgregor rolls his eyes, "you know... I don't want it bitten off". Frank finally realizes and begins to laugh. Worried that he would have to explain to Lily why Frank was laughing so loud, Macgregor reaches his hand across and covers Frank's mouth. Macgregor glances over to Lily to see if she had noticed but she was too busy driving the boat. When he looks back Frank is staring at him, clearly not laughing anymore. Macgregor removes his hand right away, "Apologies, I just didn't want her to hear you."

Frank also glances at Lily and notices he focus on driving. "No it's alright", Frank smiles and tilts his head at Macgregor, "I just wasn't expecting that".

Once again Macgregor rolls his eyes. "Well, what else would I say? You said you had one of the jungle's greatest baths but yet all there is are dick-biting piranhas."

Frank's laugh was so loud this time it actually made Lily jerk the boat, causing Macgregor to fall on top of Frank.

"Oh, my goodness are you two alright? I thought you screamed Frank you had me worried!" Lily yells from behind the glass, not able to see them now that they were on the ground.

Macgregor shakes his head which had hit something hard. He looks up and realizes his position over Frank as he lays on him, his head on Frank's chest. Frank, surprised from the fall has his arms wrapped tightly around Macgregor. Once they both realize that they have been staring too long and haven't moved, they both scramble away from one another.

"We're alright Lily! Just took a small tumble, that's all!" Macgregor answers back while dusting off his shirt and trousers.

"Don't hurt my boat, she means a lot to mean and if you damage her I might just have to sacrifice you to the dick-biting piranhas!" Frank yells with a smirk on his face, knowing damn well what he said. Macgregor's eyes opened wide and his head snaps to his sister.

Lily though looks confused, "What was that?"

Frank goes to answers again but Macgregor beats him to it. "Nothing Lily! He was just worried about the boat!

"Well tell him his precious boat is fine. I would never dream about hurting it." Lily says sarcastically back.

Frank's smile still hasn't gone away as he looks back to Macgregor who looks as white as a ghost. Macgregor grabs Frank's arm and pulls him towards the end of the boat, out of Lily's sight.

"Frank you can do that!" Macgregor turns around and steps closer to Frank, whispering.

Frank, loving a challenge steps even closer, fully in Macgregor's space. "Oh really?" Noticing his flushed face Frank leans in even closer, his mouth near Macgregor's ear. "What are you gonna do if I do it again?" Frank's hand reaches towards Macgregor's arm, his fingers slowly move along, feeling goosebumps start to rise.

"I... a... I don't believe I could do much... You're quite large." Macgregor frozen in place glances up at Frank who is hungrily staring.

"Oh come on Princess, I bet you could take me. You could give me a punch in the face and probably knock me right out. Whatcha say?" Frank whispers.

"Frank... please..." Macgregor inches closer. "Please don't embarrass me like this. Not with Lily... with you... you can't..." Macgregor's voice trails off but shows a hit of sadness. Frank quickly assumes that Macgregor thinks he is being made fun of so he reaches for Macgregor's other am, rubbing slow circles. He feels the smaller man relax in his arms.

"I'll tell you what, if you can surprise me with your strength, I will leave you alone and I won't mention the piranhas again." Frank's expression relaxes but he is ready for Macgregor to take up his challenge.

Macgregor glares at Frank and looks away, thinking. Then he begins pushing Frank. Little pushes, trying to get out of Frank's grasp. Of course, though the skipper isn't surprised so he doesn't let him go. With every push, Frank would hold on while rubbing Macgregor's arms and shoulders. Frank is big and it will take a lot of force to move him. Macgregor begins to push harder, getting annoyed that he can't get away. Finally, he stops moving.

Frank begins chuckling and he looks back down at the man in his arms. "What, that's it?" Once he said that Macgrecor's eyes snap up. Soon Frank gets pushed hard against the wall, Macgregor smashes his lips to Frank's and he places his hands against the wall. Frank's eyes widen, not expecting the strength or the kiss. He doesn't push away though, he welcomes it. Macgregor's kiss started off harsh because he was angry but as Frank deepens the kiss, it becomes more relaxing.

Frank pulls Macgregor close, causing the smaller man's arms to wrap around his shoulders. Lips fight against one another, both wanting more. Frank nips the smaller man's bottom lip, pulling a moan out of him. One of his hands slides down Macgregor's back and to the swell of his ass, causing him to shiver. Frank squeezes and Macgregor pulls away with a slight moan.

"Frank! Lily is right over there!", Macgregor whispers.

Franks squeezes again and he smirks as Macgregor squirms under his hold. "Sorry I just wasn't expecting that. Totally welcome and please please do that again."

"Frank! It's getting dark! I don't know how to stop this thing for the night." Lily yells out, making the two of them pull apart.

"Sorry, I have to go..." Frank says slowly backing up but not wanting to.

"No, no it's quite alright! Go help her! I wouldn't want us to crash or anything... " Macgregor nods his head and looks back off into the jungle.

Frank begins to walk away but then he stops and smiles. He quickly turns around and smacks Macgregor on the ass, "Like I said Princess, please do that again." Frank with a giant smile on his face leaves a flustered Macgregor.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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