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Me and Zayn are back to normal and I've moved back into his flat and I have all of my things here. Zayn wanted to kill my dad soo badly but I had to calm him down before we went to get my things but I'm not gonna lie Zayn is really sexy when he's mad the way the vein on his neck gets bigger and more visible and the way he grips the steering wheel really hard and how his eyes gets darker i would just want him to take be right there but I'm gonna keep my legs shut for a while. I'm not ready to go there yet I'm just scared and what if I'm not good enough? I sigh and start to put on a pair of high waisted jeans that sat really tight but still comfortable. I have always had a hard time finding clothes cause of my curvy body I'm a pear shape or I think soo I'm kind of big on the lower half but I still have kind of big breast? This kind of things confuses me. I sigh again and put on a crop top and then light make up and then I walk to the living room where Zayn is watching some tv. I lay down with my head in his lap. He run his hands trough my now natural hair since that shit weave I got only ended up in a tangled mess I'm pretty sure that wasn't real hair just some synthetic hair. I took out my phone from my back pocket and looked at the Time 10.30 well since it's Saturday I think I woke up quite early cause usually I wake up around like 12 or later.
"Do you want to come to the club with me the lads and their girlfriend's minus Taleah and Harry"
"Yeah sure but I have nothing to wear"
" here take my card and buy whatever you want and don't think about the price my job pays well"
" are you sure? Cause you can't say that to a girl she'll wast all your money. okay but I need to do something first"
I said then went to the kitchen. I miss Taleah so much and I know that she'll forgive me and hear me out if I make her some Vanilla cupcakes. I started to mix everything I needed and I asked Zayn to go and buy some things to add later. When I put everything in the oven I just sat and waited for it to be done. When Zayn came back with the things I gave him a kiss and a quick thank you then made the frosting and put them on them on the cupcakes. Then I got Zayn to drive me to Harry's and Taleah's flat. When we got there Harry opend and i didn't brother to say hi i just went to the kitchen where Taleah was sittning and Reading. She looked up at and Said.
"What do you want?!"
" i want My Bestfriend back and i want her to hear me out"
" I don't Wanna hear you out you lied and acted like a fake bitch"
" i have cupcakes"
" you have 1 minute"
" okay soo I didn't tell her she was threaten me everyday about staying away from Zayn and one time she stopped me in the school bathroom  and said that she would tell everyone about my secret at home and about you pregnancy if I didn't stay away from Zayn and if I screamed when she cut me right here, but as the stupid person I am I didn't listen and then she came to our table and i beat her ass and she told everyone"
" i'm sorry that i didn't trust you and i'm sorry about your mom and dad but those cupcakes looks soo Good and i need one of Them or More right now" she Said then she took Them from me and started to dig in"
" i need your help to find something to wear at the club tonight"
" I'll take Harry's car since you suck at driving"
" i don't suck at driving how could I've known that dog was going to Cross the road"
" even tho I felt sorry for the dog it looked kind of funny"
Taleah is the best person to shop with she knows exactly what fits you and don't but that didn't surprise me she's always on fleek.
Right now I just flat ironed my hair and now I'm gonna curl it my hair. My hair is just under my shoulders not super long but I like it. When i'm Done with My hair i make My make up, first the base then I make a mild smokey eye and add some eyeliner and then put on some red lipstick on my big and full lips. I look in the mirror and think that I made a pretty good
job with the make up. I put on My two piece dress thing (pic of her outfit on the side) and put my earrings and other jewelry on then I looked at the mirror and I gasped at the girl in the mirror she didn't look like me she looked amazing. I Put on My heels not really High ones cause i'm already tall soo i don't really need them i only have two pair of heels soo i took My black ones and then i walked out to Zayn. Zayn had his back facing me and I saw that he got a hair cut good cause his hair started to get really long but I liked this one. I guess he heard me soo he turned around and his eyes widen and then he bite his lip and I smirked and then we both just linked hands and walked out to the elevator. When we where standing in there he got close to my ear and whispered.
" you look really sexy" and then he kissed the spot behind my ear and nibbled on my earlobe then he let go. My breath got shaky and i just wanted him to just take me here and now. He's such a sexgod. Zayn just stands beside me with a smirk before he hold me by my waist and we walk to his car. I don't even know how I'm gonna come in the club  I'm not 18 but who cares I bet Zayn got a plan. When we get to the club all Zayn has to do is to give the guard a look and we are in music is playing loud and you can smell the alcohol in the air and sweaty bodies. Zayn lead me to the boys and where two girls are beside Liam and Louis. The girls both have brown hair and they are skinny and really beautiful. The one beside Louis have a tight and white lace dress and the other one beside Liam have a pair of high waisted white pants and and a crop top and the both have curled hair and they look flawless and I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of jealous of their looks. As we sit down the both say Hi and I find out that their names is Sophia and Eleanor. When Pour it up by Rihanna starts to play all the girls and our boyfriends join the dance floor. I start to grind on Zayn and I can hear him groan in my ear. He kiss my neck and then when the song is over I decide to order a drink
" what can I get you"
"Ehm a piña colada  and a tequila" the bartender starts to make my drinks and once  their done I take the shot first and I cringe at the burning an sour taste it has and then I walk over to our table and I sit down next to Zayn. He's smoking something that's not normal Cigarette. I cringe at the smell of it but keep drinking my drink and then me and the girls go and dance and dance and dance I only drank two drinks. When I start to get tired I say a quick  goodbye to the girls and get their numbers then I walk over to Zayn and I know that he's high and the rest of the boys to but I don't say anything I just sigh and tell him that it's time to leave. I'm really mad at him he lied to me he told me that he didn't do drugs. But I still care about him so I want him to come home safely but with both weed and alcohol in the system it's hard and plus I'm a little tipsy but I can handle my self soo I'm gonna drive home tonight. Once I get him in the car he tries to lift me skirt up but I slap his hand away. When we get home I help him up and then when we enter the flat I lock the door and and Change his clothes and put him in bed. I change into another shirt and take of my skirt and wipe the make up of and put my hair up in a bun then I walk to the kitchen get a pain killer and some water for Zayn when he wakes up the next day. I get in bed with him and he get me close to him and I feel like I'm gonna throw up so I get a blanked and a pillow then I sleep on the couch to avoid the smell of weed. After a while i slowly fall asleep.

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