Part 1

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"Do you think it's funny? I am sick of humans. I wish I could just destroy this world" Seo in guk said in anger . Seo in guk the devil of the world for whom everything died in the world. 

"Do you think you can do it ? Don't talk stupidly, " Kim sa ram said while watering her plants. 

About kim as ram she is the god of the world who made this world and humans. 

"Do you think I am stupid here ? You are the one who is stupid here . Why you always suffer for those stupid humans. You should have destroyed them anyway, they don't want you after all" Kim Sa Ram said .

Nyeo Shin  just smiled as she said "Why do you think I still water those plants when I am so weak that I can't walk properly because if I don't water them they will die like this. The beauty of this flower you're seeing right now will be gone after some days " .

"No matter if I love them and they don't love me back. Still I will bear the pain for them cause I love them and I want them to be happy . This is what someone does when they are so deeply in love with someone, " Nyeo Shin said .

Kim sa Ram didn't understand a single word of what Nyeo Shiin said as he looked at her with a straight face. 

"Humans are humans, they never regret anything , they just do whatever they it's to end this world for them, " Kim sa Ram said. 

Nyeo Shin smile as she said "You will never changed today I will give you one work today you can only make one of humans wish true maybe after that you will understand "

"What you mean-" Kim sa ram was about to say something but Nyeo shin  go away. 

Kim sa ram just signed in frustration. Like always Kim sa ram was sitting in his house while reading some book. Like always Kim sa ram was hearing all those pain voices or someone is praying something from god or something else. 

It was nothing new to him but suddenly he heard someone saying 

"Why everyone is so cruel to me?I just wanna destroy this world… I just can't take it .. No one loves me…" y/n who was drunk screamed loudly 

Kim sa ram just smirked as it was a good chance for him so he went y/n. Y/n who was so tired of her life first his parents left him and after that his boyfriend and now his boss and aunt are bothering her.

Her life is full of trouble as she doesn't want to live in this cruel world. She was standing outside of her house while looking at the sky suddenly he heard someone saying 

"I will make your dream come true just say yes sweetie " you can guess it was kim sa ram and no one else and this was the first time they both met each other. 

"Now maybe you will understand why it so hard to leave everything even you're in pain "

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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