If we have souls

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Hey everyone so this is my first ever Darling in the Franxx fanfiction, I recommend you watch Darling in the FranXX before you read this fanfiction, anyway I hope you all enjoy.

"It doesn't matter how long it takes, if we still have souls I swear I'll meet you again on Earth..."

"I love you Zero Two,"

"Me too...darling."


I woke up in bed after having the dream that I usually have. Who is Zero Two and why did she call me darling, why does that name feel so familiar to me. Is it a message? Or is it purely just my imagination. As I start thinking more deeply I hear a loud beeping which really woke me up. I turned my alarm clock off and got ready to go to school.

My name is Yuu Kazahara I live in new Shinjuku of japan. Around 100 years back this place used to have a facility where they operated things called Franxx. These were robots where a male and a female have to combine and connect there souls into one. I go to a school called new Franxx High School and we are all given code numbers proceeding our names. My number is 16. I have short black hair and blue eyes, and live a rather normal freshman life. As we get to High School we start training in Franxx's and pair with someone forever before we become adults and operate Franxx's to fight against VIRM Klauxsaurus's which are Klauxsaurus's that were taken over by the VIRM. We found a way to move the Franxx and everything else without magma energy so everything is back to normal again.

Today was Thursday and also the first day back from spring break and according to some sources (my friend) we had a new girl coming into our class. Supposedly she was a girl from Finland and she had moved here due to her fathers work as a Franxx operator. And she had experience on the field of Franxx's. Maybe I'll get to ride a Franxx with her. You see I've never been able to pilot a Franxx with anyone. In Middle school you try to find your pair and you ride around in a Franxx but never fight or have mock battles with each other but you do get basic controls down. Which I obviously was not able to do. Other than with a practice vehicle.  

I walked into class and saw Ryogo my best and one of my 7 friends I had at school.

"Hey Ryogo long time no see." I said to him

"Yuu what's up man, anyway did you hear about the new kid she supposed to be really hot." he said

"I have no interest in that line of things." I replied

"Oh come on you'll find a good one some day, plus I think Mikan likes you."

Mikan was Ryogo and I's friend from Elementary school we all used to hang out together and a while back she confessed to me but I turned her down saying I couldn't return her feelings. Right now we are just really good friends.

"Right, we'll see." I responded just to finish the conversation.

 And just as I did the teacher came in.

"Alright class time to start homeroom."

All of us got to our seats and sat down.

"Now as many of you know, we have a new student from Finland coming into our class, everyone be nice to her alright." The teacher told us

"Alright come on in Kana-chan."

I was looking down at my desk as I heard a lot of whispering around the class and I looked up. She had turquois eyes and elegant long pink hair and she had a white headband on her head. She looked towards the class and said

"Hi, my name is Kana I come from Finland but my mother is actually Finnish and my father is Japanese. Nice to meet you all."

Most of the boys stood up and screamed except for me and a few other boys. The girls just gave death glares to every single boy in the room that was standing up.

"Why don't you sit next to... lets see Mikan you wouldn't mind would you." The teacher asked

"Of course not," Mikan responded and Kana walked over to her seat. If she sat next to Mikan that would be right behind me wouldn't it. As she walked passed me I started to get dizzy and then everything went black.

I started to see a memory it looked like a book, and as the pages turned I saw a bird going up into space. and then the final page. It looked like something that a little kid would draw, with chunky hands and a weird face. But it was definitely the drawing of a prince. and in the bottom corner it said "My beloved darling." 

I suddenly woke up. and looked around. The nurse looked at me like a lunatic.

"What, is there something on my face?" I asked 

"No it's just that you and that girl next to you just woke up at precisely the same time."

I looked over wondering who it was. I pulled the curtain to the side and saw Kana.

"Um... you're Kana right, the new kid in our class, what happened to you."

She looked over at me and said

"um I have no idea I think she knows though."

then looked over at the nurse.

"Both of you were sent to my office because apparently you both fell unconscious during homeroom."

"Hmm okay. Well I think we're fine now so if it's okay with you can I talk to you outside in the hall when you're ready." I asked

"Umm okay." she answered and I left the room.

Kana's POV

My name is Kana Shigure I'm a Finnish Japanese half and I moved here due to my fathers work. My mother decided to stay in Finland so I'm usually home alone unless my father comes home early from work.

I often have these weird dreams about a boy I probably met in my past life or something. I call him darling in my dreams and he calls me Zero Two. So I decided when I get a Franxx partner I will always call them darling. I have real experience as a Franxx Pistil and I can also be a Stamen. People always say that I am different and that is because I am for some reason. I love piloting the Franxx but the only problem is people ride with me 3 times and then everyone dies on the third fight. This has been a never ending cycle and I want to break it but I don't know how. Maybe if I meet this so called Darling boy I may be able to ride again.

On the first day of school I made sure to make sure I looked as good as possible. I put on some make up combed my hair and wore my usual white headband and went to school. And just when I go to class, introduce myself and walk over to my seat I pass out. And see this weird dream about a book and at the end there is a really bad drawing of a prince and in the bottom right corner it say 

"My beloved darling."

And when I wake up this kid named Yuu asks me to go outside and talk to him.


I walk outside and look over to my right and see him waiting for me.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" I said as I walked up to him.

He looks over at me with a serious face and asks

"Have you ever heard of the name Zero Two?"

And there we go cliffhanger... You'll have to wait a bit for the next part see ya next week everyone!


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