Chapter 20- Finding Myself

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She had forgotten what it felt like. Dreams, hope. It had been so long since she had felt that wonderful feeling. Happiness, joy... love. It felt so good, so right. Suddenly she was alive. I could feel again.

Layla walked into the school office, meeting with the principal.

"You wanted to see me?" the woman asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"I want to paint a mural." 

The principal rolled her eyes. "You didn't win Layla. In fact, you actually tried to steal the win. Why would I let you paint a mural after that?"

"I have to. For Hope." Layla insisted. She was clearly not taking no for an answer. The principal was silent, not sure what to say. "I'm not asking. I'm going to paint one. I just wanted to be polite about it." she folded her arms, still staring at the woman.

The principal shook her head. "Well you won't be painting it here."

Layla shrugged, leaving the room and entering the hallway. She began walking down the hallway when she suddenly bumped into someone.

"Sorry I didn't see you!" Layla exclaimed, not even looking to see who it was.

"What were you doing in there?" Layla's eyes widened as she saw Jasmine standing there.

She raised an eyebrow. "Why would you care?" She couldn't help but still be a bit bitter.

Jasmine's head hung low. "I-I'm sorry."

Layla's jaw dropped. Did she really just apologize? "What?"

"I've been a real jerk to you when I had no right to be." Layla was silent, her eyes still wide as Jasmine continued. "I wanted to... if you wanted... I wanted to offer the wall. I haven't painted it yet and after all, I didn't win. You did." she paused, finally meeting her eyes. "I want you to paint it... for Hope."

Layla smiled, chuckling. "Vandalizing would have been so much more fun... but thank you."

"I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, I forgive you." 

Jasmine looked up to her, surprised by the words that had just come from her mouth. "You do?"

Layla gave her a smile. "Hope would have... so I will too."

Layla walked away, leaving Jasmine staring after her. She was going to do it! She was going to keep her promise... for Hope.

After getting all the supplies she needed from the art room, she stood by the wall. She smiled, dipping her paintbrush into the bucket of paint. The voices were still there... but they were different this time.

"You are valid."

"You are enough."

"That looks amazing!"

"You're so talented!"

"Be proud of it!"

And suddenly she could hear her family around her.

Oliver was jumping up and down, sweating energy. "I found her! I found my big sister!"

Janice smiled, "You are so beautiful... so loved."

"I'm so proud of you!" Cameron exclaimed.

Even David had pride in his voice. "I'll admit you have talent, even if I don't agree with it."

"My baby sister is flying!" Kylo grinned from ear to ear.

Jasmine was there, still sad. But there. "I want to call you my friend."

"You finally found your Hope."

Hope was there, she knew she was. She was looking on with pride in her eyes. 

It was like she had never left.


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