the tea party

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Reader pov:

I walked into this beautiful mansion, I was immediately hit with the smell of cinnamon, it reminded me of my grandparents. My grandmother liked baking pies for me and my grandfather, they were always so tasty. My grandfather tried taking more then his portion of the pie,so my grandmother went to bake more.I now miss them.

I was greeted by what a presumed to be the hostess, I followed her over to my seat in her lovely kitchen. I sat down.

Then I looked around and saw a young child (who I think was the hostess child) was next to me, she was reading a book with the name (which I believed it was called)mooncakes. A lanky person (who I think was the hostess' husband) was sitting next to an empty seat and the child, the husband was too big for the chair and was needing to bend over. Next to my left side was a pale and nervous man shaking as he drank his tea.

The hostess came back with a cake, it was cornflower themed. She quickly walked to grab something else. The the lanky man spoke up,

"I hope you are enjoying yourself Y/N. If you're not that's fine but I believe you should." He said in a high sounding voice.
"Oh yes I am but-" I said.
"That's amazing!" The child interrupted.
"Pearl you shouldn't interfere with someone's conversation,it's rude." The shaking person blurted out.

The hostess walked in as our conversation ended, she was carrying plates as well as cutlery.

"I'll be back!" She excitedly said as she put down cutlery and plates. The hostess the walked away.

The child put down her book and drank all of her tea, I waited patiently for the hostess to come back.

Soon she quickly came back with a tea pot and a tray of cupcakes,she put the tray next to the cake and said:

"Does anyone want a refill of tea or a cupcake? Or even a slice of this wonderful cake?"

The little girl's hand went up and shouted

"Can I have all three!"

"Of course, darling" The hostess replied giving her those items.

"Oh, thank you mummy!" The girl shouted again, so she was the hostess child then.

"Can I just have some cupcakes and tea refills?" Said the boy nervously

"Of course darling!" The albino said eagerly as she pasted the items to him. She then pasted me a cupcake and a slice of cake. And said,
"You looked like you wanted it."

She then pasted cupcakes and cake slices to her husband.we all ate peacefully.

Soon time flew by and it was time for me to leave.

"I had a great time,but I must go home immediately. It is quite late,goodbye." I quickly spat out leaving my seat and going out the doors. I heard the other people shouting goodbye to me. I knew it was rude to do that but it was nearly 7pm!

I walked away from the house and walked into the beautiful countryside. I hope they will invite me again.

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