Black-Night Bandits Part 7

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Last Chapter! Thanks for all the views and Merpooflen thanks for voting! 💗

Narrators POV :
Its been a week since Lucy woke up, and all is wonderful in Fiore, but a certain young wizard has yet to confess his feelings to that certain mage...

Lucys POV :
<End of long flashback and back to the start<
I smile as i recall the very fond memory. I love Fairytail and im Never leaving.

I look at my insignia on my hand and gently brush my fingers against it.

"How lucky am i to be in such a great Guild.."

I hear a knock on my door as i get up and make my way towards the Kitchen. I look out the window and smile.

"Hi Natsu - chan!" I smile as i opened the door. "What a surprise...not using the window this time.." I giggle and let Natsu in.

"Well...i thought id make a better impression coming in this way" He startles me with his words and i turn around.

"Why are you here?" I ask as we sit down on the couch. Natsu blushes and looks around frantically.

"Err well.." He starts but his face goes more red.

"Natsu? Are you alright?" I ask, worriedly. I put my hand on his forehead. "Your very hot" i say, regretting it as soon as the words came out of my mouth.
"I your boiling up! I didn't mean it like your - er -" i blush and mentally slap myself for acting like an idiot.
"Baka.." I curse myself.

"Lucy, i er actually came here to tell you something..." I look up and nod, but a blush is still tainted on my cheeks.

"When you got hurt - badly - on that mission a few months ago i was out of my mind!! I was so scared that you wouldn't wake up, and i knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened."
He pauses and i gulp as he continues.

"I wanted you to wake up so bad...i wanted to see you all the time...hear your voice, you smile, those beautiful eyes" he smiles and i blush madly.

"Nastu.." I whisper but he only looks at me and continues.

"Without you - Lucy - i felt empty." He grabs my hands and he looks into my eyes. My heart flutters and i think i know what he's gonna say next..

"Lucy, i love you. I love you so much. I want to be with you, protect you, and be the only one to call you mine"

I smile and squeeze his hands.
"Its about time baka." I say looking down from embarrassment.

Natsu grabs my chin and in forced to look at him. "You love me back?" He asks, searching my eyes for any hesitation.

"I always have, you were to dense to realise it" i say, and as soon as I finished Natsu pressed his lips against mine, i kissed back and put my arms round his neck. He pulls me closer.

I didn't know he was such a good kisser...

I ended the kiss and rested my head against his. "Are we dating now?" He questions. I laugh and kiss him shortly again.

"Of course, baka"

End! Hope you liked it!! This was my first Fanfic on Wattpad so enjoy!!

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