「 𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝚖𝚎? 」

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(My art

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(My art.)

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Sasuke Pov.

"Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke..." He started. We both looked up at him, "Would you like to meet someone?"
"What do you mean? Who?" Naruto asked. Someone teleported next to Jigen and stood beside him. Another enemy? This is bad. I frowned. They were wearing a cloak so we couldn't see their face. They got their hand up and started to remove it. Her black hair blew in the wind as the hood went down. Her dead emerald eyes pierced into ours as she opened her mouth to speak.

My eyes widened, "Is that you...Y/n?" 
"You remember me?" Y/n replied. She slowly walked towards us.
"Of course we do-" A white snake came out of her sleeve and wrapped around Naruto's neck, started to choke him.
"I'm not talking to you." She didn't even look at him, her eyes still fixed on me.
"Sasuke-san~," She said in a joking tone, "Hisashiburi..." She smiled at me. She got her hand up and moved my hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear. Why can't I move?!
"Why did you leave?" I didn't care about the rods going through my body which slowly killed me...I need to know.
"Didn't I already tell Boruto?"
"You left because you had a goal to finish. I'm asking what the goal is."
"If you think it's as lame as revenge, you're wrong." I looked at her, waiting for an answer, "What makes you think I'll tell you?" She got her face next to my ear and whispered to me, "I just want to have a nice chat...dad."

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I walked alongside Sakura down the familiar path as we held one baby each. Y/n cooed and gripped my thumb tightly as I stared into her emerald eyes, identical to Sakuras.
"They really don't want you to leave," Sakura spoke up. Sarada was sleeping peacefully in her arms.
"I don't want to leave either but I have to."
"I know."  Y/n giggled slightly as she showed us her toothless grin. I smiled at the sight. I really didn't want to leave. Before we knew it, we reached the gate.
"Sakura, I won't be able to visit...otherwise It'll put three of you in danger." She sadly smiled and kissed me.
"As long as you're safe." She pushed my hair and tucked it behind my ear, taking a long look at my face like she would forget it. I handed her Y/n, taking in every last moment. Something told me I should do it now. My index and middle finger touched Y/n's forehead as her eyes lit up. She giggled and gripped my hand.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. Maybe next time." She frowned, surprisingly understood what I said. I turned around and started walking away like ripping a band-aid off quickly. If I stayed longer, I wouldn't have been able to leave.
"DADA!" I stopped in my tracks, not turning towards them.
"Dada was her first word," Sakura said. I could feel her smiling behind the tears. I smiled softly before I continued to walk, tuning out the cries of Y/n.

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She faced me again but instead of her usual green eyes, they were blood red.
"You're my..."
"It doesn't matter anyway." Her eyes were not the same, there was no emotion at all. I looked around and everything was frozen.
"Sasuke...there's no escape from my genjutsu. Even the best said so..."
"The best?"
"Uchiha Itachi...rings any bell?"
"Ni-san- You met him?" She just smiled.
"We're enemies now. I'll kill you if you get in my way..." She got up and started walking towards Jigen, "And I won't hesitate to." Before I could reply, everything started to move again. I looked around but she disappeared and there was no snake around Naruto's neck.

"Get out of here now, Sasuke!!" Naruto said as he formed Shadowclones.
"What about Y-"
"I'll distract Jigen. We aren't capable of defeating him right now!" Naruto spat some blood out, "And at this rate, we'll both be taken down!! One of us needs to escape- that's you!"
"Fine. You better come back alive." I made a portal and left before Jigen could kill me.
The portal opened right behind Sakura so she could treat me immediately.
"Sasuke-Kun!" But I had to tell her one thing, "We need to take you to the hospital right now so I can heal you!"
"Sakura..." My eyes started to close, "Y/n is our d..." STAY AWAKE DAMMIT!!

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Code's Pov.

She teleported next to Jigen and revealed herself to them. Ahh...the looks on their faces. I smirked at the sight before she teleported back again. Isn't she going to stay longer? That was barely thirty seconds. I gave her a confused look.
"I was there for five minutes, it's just my Sharingan ability." She grabbed my hand and dragged me in the other direction, "We're leaving. Just looking at their faces makes me sick."

"Jigen should be wrapping things-"
"CODE!" She shouted from her room. I sighed as Amado took a sip of his tea, "COME HERE!"
"That's it. He should be back in some time, that's all." I said as I headed towards Y/n. I entered her room as she looking out of the window and fiddling with her necklace.
"You summoned me?" I put my hand on my hip.
"I need food."
"Why not get it yourself?!" I turned around and headed for the door.
"You don't find (comfort food name) in this...dimension and I'm really missing it."
"I'll get a hit on you by the end of this month." She persuaded.

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"Y/n." I knocked on her door as I had the food in my hand. I had to go all the way to some sketchy place to get it because it's only found in Konoha and I can't go there.
"Ah, Code." She opened the door wide open. I was just holding the package in my hand, waiting for her to take it so I could leave, "What are you doing just standing there?"
"What do you mean?"
"Come in, we'll have food together. It's nothing new as Jigen makes us eat food together once in a while." I entered the room and sat on the chair, "Have you ever had (comfort food)?"
"Well try it." I took some of it and put it in my mouth. That's...pretty good...damn. I was about to take another bite when Amado opened the door.
"Jigen has summoned you both."

We entered the room and saw Jigen sitting in his usual seat in the same position, crossed legs while resting his face on his hand.
"Y/n, Code." He started, "Mission for you both."
"What is it?"
"Code, watch the Ten tails," He then turned to Y/n, "You will guard the Hokage with Boro."

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Sasuke's Pov.

I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the light.
"Oh, you're awake earlier than predicted." Sakura was writing something on her notepad.
"Where's..." I tried to sit up but winced in pain.
"Don't try to sit up just yet. It's been a couple of hours since you came back, no word from Naruto and Boruto, Kawaki, Mitsuki and Sarada went to find him." She explained.
"They did but how will they find him?"
"Shikamaru said that they opened a portal using their karma."
"That's dangerous."
"I'd be lying if I said I'm not worried. My husband literally came out of a portal close to death, my best friend nowhere to be found and my daughter who went to save him." Daughter... "I do believe in her though," Sakura rested her face on the bed, "You were saying something about Y/n before you collapsed." I quickly sat up. She did the same and gave me a worried look, "Sasuke what about, Y/n?"
"Y/n is part of Kara." Sakura frowned.
"That's...that's not true."
"It unfortunately is."
"I need to go and inform Shikamaru," She got up from her seat, "Excuse me." She headed towards the door but turned around one last time, "Is there anything else?"
"No." I'm forgetting something...but what am I forgetting?

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A/n- What's your comfort food?

𝐖𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭. | 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚄𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚑𝚊 ✓Where stories live. Discover now