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It was a dark winter night, Draco malfoy was walking through the forests just outside hogwards , running away from his father lucious malfoy for personal reasons. His dad decided it'll be a cool idea to make his son join a maid café to contribute in a "new experience", that could make him the best Wizard of all time. And Draco , of course, was not having it. He kept running and running until his legs stopped Infront of a mysterious portal, it looked quiet sus but that's okay bc so was he. He quickly ran into the portal just to find himself on top of a doll like figure , with red artificial hair and scars all over his face. For some reasons the small fella seemed interesting the draco and somewhat,.. attractive. "Aren't u gonna get off?" The red haired doll said as to which Draco replied with a small "o-oh s-sorry.." before getting off in a panick. The Doll looked at him and smirked " well aren't u a handsome twink." Draco couldn't help but blush at its words . "N-no sir..y-youre much more handsome.." he didn't realize he was rambling before he found himself pinned agaisnt the floor , with the dolls hands on each side of his head caging him down. "The name is Chucky . What's yours cutie?" . "D-draco..Draco malfoy." "Guess we'll get along quiet well Draco."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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