Cuddle Me Some More

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 Venti groaned and rolled over to look at his boyfriend, Xiao, who was currently on his phone. Venti sighed dramatically, hoping to get Xiao's attention. He pouted when Xiao didn't even glance at him. "Ugh! Xiaaaao, give your boyfriend some attention!"

Xiao looked at Venti as he rolled around on the bed like an idiot. Xiao mumbled something under his breath that Venti didn't understand, so Venti simply ignored it. Venti stuck his tongue out, trying to come up with a plan to get Xiao's attention.

Venti's eyes sparkled, and he smirked mischievously. He giggled; Xiao knew that giggle, Venti had planned something and was about to execute his plan. Venti crawled his way in between Xiao's legs. "Huh--? What are you doing, Venti?"

Venti smiled and raised Xiao's sweater, exposing his stomach. Xiao shivered at the sudden cold breeze that hit his stomach. Venti shoved his head inside Xiao's sweater, his head popping out from the collar. "Ehehe, hi." Venti laughed.

Xiao sighed and placed his phone on the nightstand. "Hi."

"How are you?" Venti asked, wrapping his arms around Xiao's back.

"Eh, fine. How are you?" Xiao asked, a small smile creeping on his face when Venti lightly grazed his side.

"I'm good, now, can you cuddle me?" Venti murmured, looking up at Xiao with his signature puppy eyes.

Xiao nodded and wrapped his arms around Venti, trapping the latter in a warm embrace. Venti smiled and planted a small kiss onto Xiao's lips. Xiao returned the kiss, moving his hands up to Venti's twin braids to untie them.

Venti smiled in the kiss, finally letting go when he was about to run out of breath. Xiao brushed Venti's hair with his fingers. "Hey, Venti?"

"Hm? What is it, love?"

Xiao blushed at the pet name. "I love you."

Venti blushed and grinned. "Ehe! I love you too, Xiao. Mwah!" Venti kissed Xiao again, a short, but tender kiss. The kiss they shared may be short, but each other's company was all the better. Venti closed his eyes and lay his head in the crook of Xiao's neck, and even left a small kiss there.

Xiao beamed and pet Venti's hair, closing his eyes too. He allowed himself to melt into the mattress and accept his boyfriend's embrace and affection. It was nice, this was what they both liked: each other's warmth and love. This was enough. Everything could be crumbling before their eyes, but if they had each other, then everything would be okay.

That was what Xiao savored, the feeling of being loved and appreciated. He loved this, he loved sharing Venti's warmth, he loved moments like this. If every day was like this, Xiao's life would be complete.

Xiao sighed comfortably and used his other hand to rub Venti's back. "I love you so much, Venti."

"Mm... I love you too." Venti yawned.

"Get some sleep, okay? You sound tired."

"Ehe, okay. You sleep some too, okay?"

"I will."

"I love you more."


"Every possible. Mm... You're warm, love. Very nice..."

"Shhh, get some sleep."

"Can you turn off the lamp beside you, please," Xiao nodded and leaned over to tug the string to turn off the said lamp. "Thank you, love."

"You're welcome, baby."

Venti blushed. "Ehe, I like that pet name... Makes me feel happy."

"Then, I'll use it forever," Xiao said, smiling.

"Thank you... Mmm... I'm gonna get some sleep now. Nighty-night, love."

"Sleep well, baby."

"You too."

Xiao yawned and kissed Venti's head. He let himself become comfortable in the covers and Venti's warmth; he heard Venti yawn before he allowed himself to enter a peaceful sleep. "Sweet dreams..." He heard Venti say and fell asleep, smiling. 

Cuddle Me Some MoreWhere stories live. Discover now