Chapter 2

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Chapter 2-

I got out of the shower shivering and applied foundation to my cheek so that you wouldn't be able to see the redness forming from where Harry had slapped me. Sitting on my bed with my hair-dripping wet, I began to draw, sketching out a face. I was interrupted when someone knocked loudly on my door making me jump, as I had been engrossed in my drawing.

"Recovered from our little meet up yet" Harry said smirking as his head peered round the wooden door. I glared at him in a threatening manner but he ignored it and through himself down on my bed.

"What do you want, Harry?" I said quietly.

He ignored me and turned his head so he could see what I was drawing. I automatically leaned away. He would mock me at my poor attempt of sketching a face. Unfortunately Harry took this as a challenge and tried to grab my sketchbook. I pulled it out of his grasp, at the same time he let go. I lost my balance and we both tumbled off the bed, hitting the floor.

I started to giggle as I looked at Harry's disgruntled face, his hair sticking up. Harry gave me a half-hearted glare but then surprised me as he started to laugh too. Abruptly I stopped as I realised what I was doing. This was my bully, who literally hours ago had beaten me up and now I was laughing with him? I snapped out of my thoughts and realised Harry was studying my drawing.

"Harry, give that back!" I said franticly.

"Who's this supposed to be?" he questioned, curiosity showing on his features.

I shrugged nonchalantly "I don't know yet", I'd only briefly drawn the face and hadn't added any real detail to it yet.

"I think it looks strikingly familiar to myself," Harry said audaciously, holding up the sketchbook beside his face to emphasise his statement.

"Don't be so vain Harry, it doesn't resemble you in the slightest" I said warily, I hadn't meant for the face to look so similar to Harry's own. Before Harry could argue any further on the point my mum beckoned us down for dinner and I gladly sprinted past Harry.

Harry was unusually quiet at the dinner table and politely answered all my mums inquiring questions. I smirked and wondered if he kept the shy and innocent act on at home as well.

"What are you smiling at Cheri?" my mum queried.

"Nothing" I said looking away and trying to clear my thoughts. At the end of the night Anne, Harry's mum, chatted happily about how courteous we all were and how we should come to theirs. I looked at my mum, silently pleading, hoping she would say no but of course, she said yes, and arranged it for next day. The door slammed shut and they were gone, I scowled at my unknowing and somewhat naive mum before stalking off to my room. I hope they don't get too close because I don't think I can deal with a constant Harry.

As I walked to school the next morning, I tried to come up with possible ways to get out of going to Harry's for dinner but came to a dead end. I sighed, school went past slowly as usual. I reminded myself that I only had a few weeks of school before graduation. Harry was his same old self at school, yelling snide comments as I walked past him. I rolled my eyes, I couldn't wait to be free from school.

I walked home in anticipation, waiting for Harry to appear. When I got in the door unscathed, I was completely disconcerted as to why. Why had he not turned up? I was obviously pleased as it meant I came home unharmed for once but also bewildered, as this was the first time in months.

I changed out of my uniform and slipped into a short white summers dress. I put on a light amount of make up and tied my hair in a bun. I tried to convince myself that I was putting in an effort because we were going out, not because of Harry. My mum called my name loudly and I took that as my cue to get into the car.

"It's perfect how you and Harry are so close in age, you get along so well" my mum chirped ignorantly as she reversed away from our house.

I pulled a face in the car wing mirror, if only she really knew. I was silently hoping as my mum rung the doorbell that they had forgotten about tonight and had gone out but no such luck as Harry swung open the door.

"Oh hello Cheri so nice to see you again!" Harry smirked

My mum smiled unknowingly at him, not hearing the sarcasticness in his voice. Harry led us in, and I peered around curiously. Anne appeared from the kitchen, wearing a pastel pink apron and holding oven gloves.

"Cheri, is it alright if you help Harry with the salad for tonight while I show your mum around the house?" Anne said warmly.

"It would be my pleasure," I said smiling flakily with a hint of sarcasm that only Harry could detect.

I reluctantly followed Harry into the kitchen. Anne started to pull my mum upstairs while telling her about their new converted loft. As soon as our parents were out of earshot, Harry whipped round with a glare, which always seemed to be permanently etched onto his face when he was around me.

"All right, here's the deal. You chop. I watch," he said coarsely. I frowned thinking that wasn't much of a fair deal but nodded anyway. I began to quarter up the carrots lying on the counter with a knife. I almost forgot about Harry's presence until I felt him shove my back. The air was knocked out of me for a second as my body hit against the side of the hard granite counter.

"Harry, what was that for-" my gasping words were cut off as I saw blood trickling down from my hand. The force of hitting the counter had made me let go off the knife, which had then sliced into my hand.

My breaths came out in short puffs as I saw the blood drip from the small cut on to the pristine white kitchen floors. The image of the white floors turning red with stained blood flashed through my mind and I could feel my head becoming heavy. It was like the feeling you would get as a small child after spinning when you can't seem to control your balance. I could feel my feet giving out and black spots invading my vision as I started to fall backwards.

"Cheri!" Harry said in trepidation, his face full of horror as he caught me before I blacked out.


Chapter 2 finished! Yay comment below, i want to know what you think :)

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