So......Kiss Me

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Chapter 1

Beep beep beep.

I swear if this alarm doesn't fuck up I am gonna commit clockaside.

Stop talking to yourself I jump out of my bed and hit my ass there defo is a crack in it. I look upto see my boyfriend Reece *The school badboy heartbreaker* he gives me a sexy half smile and I melt. As he yawns I can see his muscles crumple and being the cocky bastard he is decides to say do you like what you see. I think I said no a little too quickly. He bends down and gives me a full out makeout session the bad boys kisses are defo getting to me.

Chapter 2

OMG did you lose your V Card I nearly choke on my drink as my best friend Kayleigh decides that would be a good conversation opener. No of course not I reply with Coke up my nose *The drink people* As if on cue Reece walks in with Sean *kayleighs boyfriend* he asks suspiciously what we were talking about and Kayleigh blurts out She Shagged a pillow at this point I am laughing my head off but with Sean's shocked experssion I think I should stop. Reece just whispered in my ear Wouldn't Be The first time at this point I am in fits of laughter.

Chapter 3

Tonight's the night tonight's the night I keep saying to myself I am currently playing Mario Kart with Reece and tonight I am gonna win..........

1 hour later

How the fuck did you beat me Morgan Reece says to me in a angry but amusing tone cause I actually was paying attention I said inbetween giggles. Oh your in for it now he carries me up to our bedroom and starts kissing me and before I know I am ripping his shirt off then.....

Chapter 4

Sean walks in screams like a banshee and runs out talk about awkward. An hour after that I text Kayleigh saying I lost my V Card xxx she text back almost instantly Congrats Babes xxxx

Reece sees this text and I go a bright shade of red and he started laughing at my embarrassment and gives me a quick peck before turning over to go to sleep.

Chapter 5

I am being awoke by my Reece singing *He is an amazing singer* What Makes You Beautiful I keep blushing when suddenly he tripped and fell on top of me half naked talk about dreamy. I decide I need a shower so as I am about to go in Reece grabs em by the hand and says is it not a bit lonely in there I furiously nod and we go into the shower ;)

Chapter 6

As I was on the phone to my mum I hear Reece talking to some blond bimbo named Clarissa I walk in just time she is trying to snog him :(

I grab the sluts son of a bitch fake hair and dragged her out of my flat Reece is traunmitized poor thing having barbie trying to kiss you. I tell my mum I will call her back.

2 Years Later

I am 20 now and I am currently christening my little baby boy Louie with Kayleigh and Sean as godparents life couldn't be happier. I have started a new job as a fashion model and Reece is now a signed rapper :)

Reece walkes over to me and says he is happy and that he could kiss someone and I said So...... Kiss Me xx

The End :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2013 ⏰

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