"I just want to really break down
Like really break down
With tears streaming down my face
While I'm gasping for air
To keep my lungs in my chest"I thought I was getting better
That I wouldn't care about what you thought
But the slightest move on my part
And your whole world becomes distraughtIt's like I'm your robot
I can't do anything without your approval
Is this my life to live, or yours?Are my choices really my own,
Or are they already chosen for me?
I can just imagine you
With a whole plan laid out for meYou want to make me a pawn
In your sick twisted game of life
Following your every command
Whilst my own identity ebbs away, till I can no longer recognise who I amYou've pushed me underwater
Your holding me down
I can't come up for air
So I guess I'll just drownBut, oh no!
I can't do that either
For if I died..
You'd blame it on me
And my worthless little lifeThe only way to move forward
Is to hold my breath
But I can't hold it for long
And one day I'll end up suffocating
Choking on your toxic fumes .
A Bleeding Heart
PuisiA creative outlet Where emotions are expressed Through words In poetry Unless you're one of the lucky few Who never get their hearts Broken into two I'm sure y'all will resonate With each poem in here Heartbreak isn't just experienced in a breakup...