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Lucy woke to the sound of giggling and as she suddenly remembered where she was her eyes shot open and she instantly stood up without even looking around but as her eyes adjusted she saw all three of her new friends standing at the foot of the bed she blushed slightly as she sees Michael whisper something to them and they giggled again she suddenly snapped 'Wait What Time Is It!' Jessica responds with 'well it 10am but you don't need to worry about school today' Lucy stands there confused for a moment before asking 'Why?' Jessica responds with 'well the storm blew in so now we just have homework being mailed to us' she finishes with a smirk
Thomas starts 'well hey since we don't have school today let's head down to the arena' He than looks at Lucy with a smile 'so you coming?' Lucy stands there kinda surprised 'uhhh
s-sure' she stutters

Ok! Jessica starts Lets get dressed and go!. She finishes
Than she looks at Lucy and says 'hey since you wore that yesterday to school you can use some of my clothes K'

Lucy is kind startled by this but says thanks and follows Jessica to her room and Michael just goes out and waits since he is already dressed Thomas went to his room even tho he was already dressed and Giggles at what Michael had told him and Jessica about how Lucy came in his window out of boredom

With Jessica and Lucy

Hey So do you like one of my brothers because you were blushing a lot' Jessica says
Lucy 'just says I dunno maybe'
'ok well iiiffffff you dooooo do ya wanna look fancy or casual'
Lucy just looks up at blushing a little and says 'casual is fine and thank you' she finishes with a grin
Jessica pulls out some stuff and Lucy settles for just a plain hoodie and blue jeans they head over to the arena and see that there are other people over there

Jessica is exited until she a familiar face It was Roy she scoffed quietly Michael saw her face and then looked over to him and sighed but Thomas wanting to impress His new friend Lucy
Went over and challenged him Lucy Jessica and Michael just gasped

After all they were in the arena and he did want to impress her Aannnddd The Lion Family was raised that if they liked someone they were to fight for them

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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