The war is my get away.

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The curtains to my bedroom lay still, the sun barely shining through the gaps, unlike my old house. The sun was never out, when there was sunlight it was only a glimpse before the sun goes back to hide. It was never like this, it used to be a park with a beautiful playground and trees that wave in the wind. Ah and my old primary school, where I had all of my amazing friends, but like every sad story or movie I lost them, I went off to the war with my parents. It was mandatory to go with them although I didn't want to go, I wanted a normal life but of course all good things must come to an end, that's what I was taught first semester of my training. I was on a short waiting list to become the next leader of my parents army because I have no siblings it was almost fait that I was going to run the army when my parents retire, they told me when I was 10 years old ''Tori my dear when you are 21 our army will become all yours''. I'm 23 now and that memory haunts me every day because I belive im the cause of my perents tragic death. If only I was there, if only I would of done something, maybe they would still be here with me. I start to tear up, I was surprised because I never cry the last time I cryed was wen my per-. I here a knock at my door, I quickly wipe my tears and run to the door and I see commander Thomas ''I'm r really sorry for interrupting you leader I just-'' ''what is the cause of you waking me up so early commander Thomas'' '' leader, I don't think you heard but project P.D.C.09.8 has escaped and is on the run if he continues running and makes it out into the big world... who knows what will happen'' ''kill it nah we still need to experiment with him. Ah ha! lockdown now'' you wisper to your self ''exuse me what did you say leader i dident here?'' ''lockdown!''

you here loud sirens and loud running noises, and yell ''lock down now tell Kilde and get out of here'' you say containing your anger Thomas was confused so he dident run, so I grabed his arm and pulled him into my armory room I slam the door shut and turn the huge safe lock door to protect us, he was frozen still from the surprise when I say ''we have to get project P.D.C 09.8 back'' ''how are you going to do that'' Thomas replied, ''im not sure'' I look down with my hart slowly sinking because I lost my parents now im going to lose there whole legacy. I feel a cold hand on my sholder and I look up ''hey we'll get through this I promise, you have the answer to every thing ok'' I bite my lip and look down at the cold as stone floor and smile '' your right'' ''wait i am'' ''yes I know how to defeet him now grab a crackle sword and a net tosser ill do the same'' he looked at me , nodded and did what I said ''now Thomas are you comfortable being the bait I promise nothing bad will happen'' he looks down and says with a hesitant look on his face and says ''jee Tori i don't know '' ''look you don't have to do this i kind of have to, so im not dragging you along with me any way i roll alone im a leader not a follower'' i say. I see Thomas look ashamed and worried it reminded you of your perants when i did something stupid wich hapend a lot i alwase played the hero card and yet again im the hero risking my own life for my whole army.

I stand up and walk out of the armory and wisper under my breath '' im sorry Thomas but have to do this'' I quickly slam the safe door shut with tom in it. I dident have a lot of time so i ran to the main corridor and yell ''you wana come for me im right here the person that took you away and locked you up for 3 long years.'' I sigh because I here nothing. I start to walk back to the armory when I here bang! bang! bang! i shot up in the air and got my crackle sword out and turnd it on high voltage and stand in a empty room prepaird to knock him out . I hear him getting closer and the second he was in my eye sight i jump out with my high voltage sword i look him dead in the eye. When i see a yong kid and there siblings waching me and projrct P.D.C 09.8 I look at them with a smug look and winked and with that i ran at him and stabed him right in the one eye he had, the huge beast grpowld in pain, I smiled. Then i was thrown off him i flew right across the room and landed on my back, the pain was unimageable but I had to get back up, so I did exactly that I got up, and then rememberd that I had my net tosser so clicked the button and I quickly thrugh the net at him I caught him off gard and ''yes i got him'' I grabed my on site inter com and talked into it ''hello my loyel army thank you for following the quick lokdown and not going out of your rooms now the lockdown .has lifted you are free to what you want over'' you look over to the window that the kids where siting and waching you through. but the kids where no where to be seen then I felt a slight grasp from behind me it was the kids hugging me I smile and I hug back . I saved my parents legacy and now I realise what i never have realised the war is my own little getaway.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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