Chapter 1

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The heavenly smell of food bombarded your senses one after another from the moment you stepped foot onto the busy street. The sweet smokey air coming from the crackling charcoal grills completely engulfed you as you moved from stall to stall. Turning your head left and right, your eyes scanned over the seemingly endless sea of street food that made it seem like heaven had come to visit earth. Skewers of different varieties were propped up against one another, buttered grilled corn rolled lazily in the conveyer belt, shining this way and that, piping hot fired spheres of octopus takoyaki glistened in the twinkling light of the night sky, and yakisoba noodles sizzled happily away.

What I would give even to have one bite, you thought. Maybe if I ask one of the vendors if I could have their scraps, they'll be nice enough to give me something. Let's seeee, who am I going to seduce-I mean convince...

Tilting your head slightly forward, you closed your eyes and let your other senses take over and lead you towards whatever they decide. Until finally, you reached a particularly busy stall. 

Perfectly triangle rice balls sunbathed on top of wire racks were delicately being brushed over with sweet soy sauce. The gray-haired vendor took no notice of you or anyone else in the crowd as he made sure that each onigiri was equally cared for. Everyone waiting in line, including you, was entranced with his performance as he surveyed the onigiri transform from a pasty white complexion to a golden and crispy one with a look of complete and utter satisfaction.

Tentatively you took a step forward, separating yourself away from the crowd that was looking at both the man and onigiris in awe. Just as you were about to near the grill,  he suddenly snapped his head up, cupped his hands around his mouth, and yelled, "FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE! PLEASE LINE UP IN FRONT OF THIS SIGN AND WE'LL BE WITH YOU SOON! THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ONIGIRI MIYA!"- effectively stopping you in your tracks and scaring the shit out of you

Fucking shit, dude, a little warning couldn't have hurt-my heart almost fell out of my ass, you thought

There was a split-second pause before suddenly all hell broke loose. It seemed like the crowd lost their minds the minute that those words left his mouth. Hands collide with shoulder blades as people began pushing those too slow aside in the hopes that they could be able to buy some onigiri. By some miracle, you managed to be the 5th person in line. 

Let's see how many onigiris I can snag with absolutely no moneyyyy 

Zoning back in from your internal dilemma when your growling stomach made an ungodly sound, you caught bits and pieces of the conversations around you as the line steadily grew longer and longer.

"I heard this place is one of the best Onigiri shops of all of Tokyo!"

"Hey, isn't that guy from MSBY? What's a professional athlete doing selling at a food stall?"

"Do you think he'll sign my paper plate if I tell him I'm his number one fan??"

"Himari, you don't even who he is or what he does; how are you his number one fan?"

"Omg, Akari, what more do I need to know aside from the fact that he's smoking hot?? Hmph, he could press me down just like those onigiris any time of the week-OOMPH." 

"Shut UP I literally can't take your horny ass anywhere SMH"

Hmm, a professional athlete, huh? you pondered, taking in what they said.  Looking around the squealing fangirls in front of you, you take a better look at the cook, who was bent over, brushing the triangles of rice carefully with sauce.

Flicking your eyes up and down the man in behind the stall you come to the same conclusion as the other girls, as you eye his forehead and forearms that glistened with a sheen layer of sweat. His exposed muscles flexed effortlessly with his every move.

Those arms do look fineeeee as helll you thought. Damn. Hot food made by a hot mannnn?? Jesus Christ take the wheel because I'm about to act up-

"NEXT!" the cashier bellowed. 

Oh shit, its my turn!  Wiping the drool off your face, you hurriedly approach the cashier. Just as about to open your mouth, she stares deadpanned at you and recites exasperatingly. 

"Hi, Welcome to Onigiri Miya, owned by Osamu Miya, not his twin brother, Atsumu Miya, the professional volleyball player. No, you can't ask him for his signature or his number. Yes, I'm sure. Yes, he is the better twin. How can I help you today? 

Gaddamn, I'm planning on stuffing my face with some onigiris, not your boss's dick lady. you think as you force a smile onto your face and say, "Hi, can I get -" 


A piercing sensation spread across your abdomen as Himari stepped further and further inside of you with Akari by her side until she was finally stood in the same spot as you. 

"HMPH, he's not that cute anyway."

"Weren't you just going on and on about how you wanted him to squeeze you like-"

"ANYWAYS, can we get two spicy tuna and two plum grilled onigiris."

"Well, it was worth the shot", you mumble as you turn sadly away from the bickering duo and away from the seemingly never-ending line.

It's been almost two years since you woke up in the middle of nowhere. Alone. Confused. With no recollection of who you were or how you died. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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