The Monster Inside

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My name is Red. I've been on this ship for 2 weeks now. There are 9 others with me on this ship. Our destination, who knows... I sometimes like to stare out into the void of the unknown and let my thoughts fill my mind like how I fill the O2 tanks. If I'm going to be honest, I'm not one of them. I'm an.... Imposter.
I was sent onto this ship to kill all the humans here, but I can't do it. It's all because of them. God! If only they weren't here, I could've finished my mission. *slams foot onto ground making the ship shake.*

2 weeks ago
I started my day off like any other, getting ready for work and eating breakfast. Today was the day I had been waiting for. It's the day my boss had been preparing me for. It was flight day. I went to work and as soon as I got in my boss pulled me aside. "Red, today is the day. We've been preparing for this for almost a year now." He was of course talking about his plan to kill the leaders of the world. Today was the day that they were going to go and try to negotiate about sharing land with other species on another planet much like Earth.

See, the Earth is closing into its final years. The world has been shared with, as they call us, "aliens" for over 2000 years now. Our kind brought them technology and such to advance them further into the future. And for a time, there was peace. But over time, the world started turning their back on us. We were persecuted and killed in mass due to who we were. We did nothing wrong, yet the humans decided to kill us as to stay the dominant species. A war broke out over the course of a century, and at the end of it, a peace treaty was signed. Even though this happened, there is still much prejudice against us.

"Boss I'm ready." I replied. We had a plan worked out. I was going to disguise myself as a human and be one of them. In the ship we'd all wear these astronaut outfits, so I basically had two layers of a disguise. The plan was for me to kill all of the world leaders and when I get to the planet, to tell the other species of the atrocities the humans committed against us, and how they'd do the same to them. The plan, was simple. Little did I know... I'd run into a few problems.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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