Chapter 1

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Kirishima was known for being the friend you could count on. The one who was always nice and sweet, with a big smile and laugh.

Ever since he accepted fear, when he realized its only human to fear death. He's felt better about himself. He feels that he doesn't have to be fearless all the time.

But, ever since coming to UA, he's been faced with a new problem. One he has no idea how to face...

A crush.

Well, that's what he's identified it as. Its like having a best friend, but they mean so much more to you than a best friend. He simply couldn't find a way to put it into words.

How that person made him feel, how the sun always perfectly traced their features. And how peaceful they looked sleeping.

It was quite obvious who kirishima's crush is, that is, to him. But compared to the way kirishima acts towards everyone, everyone simply thinks kirishima is best friends with his crush. He wasn't obsessive or clingy like that, he just like the smile. He loved to see people smile, but when its someone you like...the world just washes away and you realize that everything is worth it. Everything that got you up to this point, to see that lovely smile. Even if it has rage and violent intent behind it.


"See you tomorrow bro!" Kirishima yelled to one of his best friends, Denki Kaminari. "You too bro!" Kaminari waved back before starting his walk to Yaoyorozu's house.

After school, everyone usually does homework. And everyone had their study pods, or studied alone. Kirishima mainly studied with Bakugo, or tetsutetsu (tetsutetsu tetsutetsu). Today he was studying with Bakugo, since tetsutetsu (tetsutetsu tetsutetsu) was hanging out with his class.

Kiri walked over to their usual study spot, a small cafe not to far from the campus. The owner was his mother's friend, and he had known him ever since he was little.

The cafe was never packed, nor empty. Every customer was a regular and knew everyone else. "Ah! Kirishima!" The owner, Mr. Nakamura exclaimed. He was quite short, and had silky black hair that was almost always tied up in a bun. "Could you help me clean up these tables?" He asked. Mr. Nakamura was an odd man, his cafe never seemed to stick with one theme for very long. There were Knick knacks and trinkets as far as the eye could see. And a fat white cat plopped upon a pedestal with a little corgi moseying along the floor.

"Sure thing Mr. Nakamura!" Kirishima beamed, he loved helping people. Weather its cleaning tables or writing a note, making people smile was his favorite hobby.

Kirishima set his bag down on a leather cushion, it was old and worn out, but still comfy. "If its still of use, then why buy a new one?" Mr. Nakamura would always say. Kirishima picked up a few plates and glasses off the tables, bringing them to the kitchen and placing them in the sink.

"Hi Mrs. Wagner" Kiri said as he rinsed off a few plates. Mrs. Wagner, the head chef, was from Germany, but moved to japan a few months ago. She had long golden locks, and chubby cheeks. She always wore a cheeky smile and gave kirishima the biggest of hugs. "Kirishima!" She beamed, going over and bringing the boy into a large hug. Kirishima gave the woman a hug in return. "Now i best get back to cooking, i think mouse and biscuit have missed you" she giggled before going back to her work bench. Her accent was still very noticeable, and hearing it brought a smile to kirishima's face.

Kirishima headed back to the seating area, it would usually take Bakugo around 15 minutes to actually make it to the restaurant, so kirishima had some free time. He approached the fat white cat, giving it a few pets. Its angry grumpy face softened as it started to purr. "Hello to you too mouse" the boy laughed. Mouse, the cat, was scared of the littlest things. One time she was frightened by a leaf! Thus, her name, mouse. Kiri picked up the blob of cat, and walked over to where his bag was. Mouse always loved kirishima's attention, since mouse was basically his cat. He found mouse as a kitten in a box, and brought it home. Well, he brought it to his home away from home, the cafe. And he's come everyday and take care of mouse, he'd spend all his time pampering the animal until Mouse was sweet to everyone. Sometimes, he'd even take mouse home with him.

A small corgi jumped up on the cushion next to the pair, barking excitedly at kirishima. "Hi biscuit! I missed you girl!" He ruffled biscuits hair, giving her a peck on her head. Biscuit was Mrs. Wagner's dog, since she lived alone, she asked if she could bring biscuit to work. And, biscuit has been spending her time at the cafe ever since.


A few minutes went by, and Bakugo was late. It was unlike him to be tardy, but surly theres a reason. 'No need to dwell on it' kirishima thought, and smiled softly. Its raining out, he's probably just stuck in the rain...yeah.

Kiri already had his homework out, a scone was to the right of his papers and a saucer or milk in front of him. Mouse was sipping the milk, as she watched kirishima worry. She meowed sadly, looking at him with big pleading eyes. Biscuit, who was in his lap, whimpered, copying mouses actions. Kiri looked at both of them, and quietly chuckled. "Guys its okay, he wouldn't-"


Kirishima's phone went off, a text from his study buddy. "Hey, sorry i cant makes it today. Something came up" it read. Kirishima's heart sank 'was everything okay?' He wondered. He quickly typed up a response "okay, but is everything okay? We can reschedule anytime you're free" kirishima press sent.

Moments later he saw bakugo had read the message...

No response...

No response...

No response...

"Yeah, we can reschedule"

'That's it?' Kiri thought. "You sure you okay?" He typed again.
three dots...the nothing, then three dots. "IM FINE SHITTY HAIR, STOP BEING SO DAMN NOSY!" The message read. It worried kirishima, and mouse and biscuit could see that. The hissed and barked at the device. How dare it make their favorite person sad! Kiri took notice of it, laughing. It was so sweet how these two cared for him. He placed his phone down and began to work. "Hey! I heard some kissing and barking, everything okay?" Mr. Nakamura asked, his soft smile never left his face. "Oh yeah! Bakugo isn't coming is all" Kiri said a bit dis heartedly. Mr. Nakamura stood silent and chuckled a bit "well, he's missing out! We're having a party here!" He cheered. Kiri showed a toothy grin and laughed as well. "Yeah! And i finished most of my homework anyway"


Mathematics, the last subject. But...Kirishima had improved with math. He can do this, yeah! All the help from is friends and family has really been paying off! His grades are doing better, and he's ad more free time recently. And because of this, he finished the math homework quicker than expected. He packed his things, the cafe was closing soon.

"Hey Mr. Nakamura! I finished early, do you need any help?" Kiri asked. The owner nodded, he was carrying a lot of dirty dishes so he tilted his head to the right, the kitchen was certainly in need to cleaning.

"I'm on it!" Kiri beamed.


The sun was setting, and the shop was closed. The kitchen was cleaned fairly decently, and the now quiet cafe's doors were closed. With a fat white cat in his arms, and all his homework done, kirishima waved goodbye to Mrs. Wagner and Mr. Nakamura.

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