●Chapter one●

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Walpurgis banquet》
Rimuru POV
As we all settled down to sit on our chair while waiting for guy to start the meeting for me.

"Today meeting has be called by none than ~rimuru tempest~" guy said as I couldn't help but felt the chills when he says my name at the end coz it sounded like mischievous as I regain my composure when it was my turn to speak as I stood up to speak.

"Yes, I ask guy to call in the meeting because I have come to share some news with you all expect guy, Leon, Ramiris, Milim and Veldora has known about it when I went to ask them" I said calmly.

"So, what the news that you're being wanting to tell rimuru?" Dino sleepily said with him resting head on his left hand while facing me with sleepy eyes.

"That I will be taking a break from ruling tempest capital for now and will be leaving to travel to another world with Milim, Ramiris and Veldora-kun to make it short and simple" I said with smile and sweat drop when I heard gasp and silence fill the room.

'Why is it quiet all of a sudden? Did I say something wrong?' I thought while luminous stood up as I furrowed at her.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble rimuru-San but it's nearly impossible to get to travel to another world from what you're saying" she said in disbelief as the rest nod.

"I'm aware of that luminous but I also could say that it's a 50/50 chance that it may work of by the help of Ramiris and Leon support that it has a chance with Raphael analysis and calculation" I said as she lifts up her right hand to cupped underneath her chin and murmured "You may be right about that".

"Also, when you left this world rimuru with Ramiris, Milim and Veldora, who will be protecting your city while you're gone?" Dagruel ask in concerns.

"Before preparing this meeting, I was meeting with Leon and Ramiris for the past few weeks,I have discussed with my subordinates already and put them in charge of each structure in preparation for any attack while I'm gone for tomorrow" I said as I heard a wolf whistle as I turn my head to see it was coming from guy.

"It would seem that rimuru has done his research and preparation, clever boy" he praise me as a irked mark pop on my head💢💢💢 and eyebrow twitched as Leon sighed.

"That is all for I had to say to you all for today meeting" I said and sit back down on my chair with Veldora coming behind my chair.

"Good job rimuru! That's my swore friend right here" Veldora shouted out aloud as I cover my face from embarrassment as Dagruel sighed.

"I have no problem of your departure to another rimuru but wish you good luck and thank you for informing us coz I was really wanted to ask a favor, but it won't happen since you're going" he said as I gave him a confused look.

"Well, I'm still here, you can tell me what is it that you wanted to ask?" I said to him.

"Iwashopingtostayinyourterritoryfora fewdays" he said in a quick way as I gave him a "huh?".

"Can you repeat that slowly Dagruel?" I ask him as he deeply take a breath in and out slowly.

"I was...hoping to s-stay in your territory for.......a few days" he stutters said as I gasp at him not in shock but how stupid he is saying.

"It's alright, you can stay at my territory for a few days" I said as he frowns in confusion as I notices this and continue before he can ask "Because I trust you to not bring harm and you're an ally of mine" as he froze in place then snapped out of it "Arigatogozaimashita rimuru-san" he said and bow his head in thanks.

"So, since that is settled does anyone of you have anything to said to Rimuru before he goes off" said guy as the room was fill with silence.

"So that's a no then the meeting is close for today" guy said with a smirk as I glared dragger at him because I have a weird price to pay him from me and Leon.

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