must kill: part one

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As I walk through the dead empty streets, where destroyed cars and dead body's litter the floor looking for food, medicine and water and other items I can scavenge, I have a high powered rifle with a sniper scope firmly gripped in my hand.  

I look down a dark ally at a lifeless corpse laying on the floor with fly hovering over it and the smell of rotting flesh, not even rats would eat the corps, but something found it as its meal, with a chewed up face and a ripped open stomach with little left of the eaten, mashed up insides, I stand there wondering if it could be me at some point, laying there on the floor, being another corpse, out of millions of others that may lay there, my eyes lock onto a figure that was moving down the road from me, I slowly lifted my rifle and aimed down my scope, the figure was no more than a moving corpse, looking for something to eat like me, it might have been a working man, until it got infected by the crazed undead, aimed my rifle at his head and he turned and looked at me, I saw the rage hunger flowing through his eyes, I pulled the trigger and watched his body hit the floor and all the rage and hunger was over the sound from the shot pulsed through the streets and alleys and the dead body's from that where laying lifeless on the streets being to get up, and I being to run.


Let me take you back to the beginning, before the world turned to shit after the infection, I was a nobody living in a crappy run down house with hardly any money to get by, I keep get jobs but I always get fired, so let me tell u how the infection started for me, there was the stores on the news but I didn't really pay attention, so one night I was sleeping in my room on a single mattress on the floor when I woke up to the sounds of stuff smashing, my first thoughts where its the guys I owe money too so I said to myself " I never should borrow money of low life's" so I got the metal bass ball bat from the side of my bed and went down stairs.

When I got to the door of the kitchen I said "hey,I haven't got the money right now" and I didn't get a reply and all I could hear was moans, I could hear people out side screaming and car horns going off so I said "what the fuck is going on" the I got hit to the grounds by a women with blood around her mouth and cloths, I hit her off and grabbed the bat and hit her around the face and she fell to the floor, she looked up at me with a out of place jaw and screamed so I carried on hitting her, I heard gun shots from out side and grabbed my gun from the draw next to the worn down couch and headed towards the door.

The closer I got to the door the more the screaming and moans got louder, I opened the door and there was panic people where running everywhere, I could see people like the women who attacked me with pale eyes ripped up blooded covered skin and normal people running from them I shouted to a man "what's going......." And one of the things tackled me to the ground, it was drooling blood on my chest, a loud shot was fired and the things head exploded open and I pushed it of and man ran out and grabbed my hand and helped me up, he said " hurry follow me" and we ran towards and alley away from all the panic he said " this way" pointing towards a truck with the backed filled with guns water and canned foods, we got into the car and he turned on the engine, and then the car got surrounded by the drooling freaks he says " if you Cant beat em run them over" and he steps on the engine and drives through the crowed.

We started driving away from the city and he asks " what's your name I said "my names jack and what the hell just happened back there" he says "well I know it sounds nuts but we just got attacked by the dead oh and the names carl" I reply "okay carl what's the plan now" carl say "I heard people where making camps on the outskirts of town it doesn't sound like a bad idea I know a place that far enough away from the city that the dead won't get us but close enough that so we can make runs into town for supplies" I ask "where" he says "you'll see".

I sat in the car looking at carl he had a stubble on his face and short dark hair with a fresh cut going down his lip, he say "what you looking at" I said "how did you get that cut on your lip" he says "one off them things grabbed me and throw me into a wall, let's just say it was the worst mistake it ever made" I asked " how did you kill it" he said " I beat its head in with a stock of my shotgun" I replied "oh" he said "where hear", I opened the door an looked around, it was a pharmacy I asked "is this the place" he says I know it doesn't seem like much but its easy to barracked and there medical supplies and rooms up stairs".

We grabbed the bags from the back and he says "here take this" and throws an high powered rifle to me he says "if there's any of the things in there its best we be armed", I slowly opened the door and looked inside I raised my rifle and entered and looked around I looked at carl and said "come on" he had a m1911 pistol in his hands raised at eye level, I saw one of the dead walk out and I whisper "get down" he crouched and I moved behind a shelf and the thing was on the other side I go into the bag of guns I picked up from carl's truck and pull out a combat knife and run up the dead guy and stab him in the heart the dead man and he screams in a low pitch voice and grabbed me I stabbed the knife into the side of his head and he falls to the floor, carl walks up to me and I say to him "you got to get them in the head to kill them".

We started to setup and barracked the pharmacy, I was upstairs and looking for food when I heard a car park outside, I looked out of the window and there where three men getting out of a car with hand guns in there hands, they went up to the door and tried to open it, we barracked the door so nothing can get in and one of the men said "it locked we can't get in" an other replied "we need some medical supplies" I shouted down "there's no more medical supplies here it was cleared out" one of them said "how do we know your not lying" I reply "there is no supplies" the guy at the door says "well let us in and see maybe we can help" I say "sorry I Cant do that" one says "come on let's go" the guy at the door says "let us in or will break in and take all your stuff "I Cant do that" "well....." He starts shooting I duck down and grab my rifle, I quickly look out of the window and aim at the guy at the door and shoot, the bullet hits him the leg and he falls to the floor and says "ahhhhh your prick, okay where going" the other two men pick him up and carry him to the car and drive of, carl walks up and says "what the fuck was that" I say "nothing, it was nothing".

I set up to go to bed and carl say's "ill keep watch ill wake you up in two hours" I say " yeah good", when I try to sleep all I can think off is how the world is gone and there's nothing left and how many families where torn apart, I'm kinda glad I never knew my families, one less thing to worry about but carl I wonder if he ever had a family if he has lost anyone close to him and the more I thought about how the world has gone to shit the more I drift of to sleep. This is the end of part one expect more at a later date

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2013 ⏰

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