○ One ○

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After picking up Jj and rie, The five friends arrived at the women's house, being as sneaky as they could.

Josie clutched onto her side in pain, the blood loss was just now starting to effect her, but all she could think about was her child.

Their flashlights lighting through the windows before Deena found an unlocked window in the kitchen.

She opened it as Josie leant her back against the side of the house, slowly slipping down. Jj and Rie knelt next her with worried faces.

As soon as Deena climbed in half way, she was yanked down before being screamed at. Josie quickly stood up ignoring her pain before going to jump through the window.

"We called you." C. Berman looks down at her shocked before looking at Josh, and at the barely visible trio.

"Why the hell would you come here?" She asked the trio, lowering her knife.

Josh and Deena went to Deenas car to show her what had just happened a mere hour ago. Josie sat on some stairs watching with the new couple, as Deena and the older woman argued about the very fucked up Sam in the trunk.

"You can't stop her. You should run as fast as you can and as far away from me!" The woman yelled rushing towards her house.

"I can't! Sam. I can't let her die." Josie watched as her best friend poured part of heart out to this random woman. "I love her. Please."

The woman looks at her before speaking hesitantly "Fine but keep her from Major Tom." She rushed back inside, stopping next to Josie. "Come on let's bandage you up."

She leant a hand before helping Josie up. Josie looked at her with a smile  muttering a small thanks. Not noticing the shocked face on the older woman's face. Though her friends on the other hand looked as the expression crossed the older women's face.

As Deena and Josh tied Sam to a heater in the woman, ziggys as she liked to be called, bathroom. Ziggy helped Josie with rie and jj watching.

"You look almost identical to someone I cared deeply for." Josie looked at the woman with a confused expression.

"It doesn't matter anymore. She's moved on." Ziggy muttered wiping the excess blood off of the girl. "Fuck" Josie groaned as ziggy pressed too harsly on her wound.

"Shit I'm sorry Eli." The women tried to shrug her slip up off but it was clearly noticed. 

"My names Josie or Josette." She said smiling at the woman as best as she could. "Thanks for helping us."

"Here I'll go and get you another t-shirt." Ziggy went off into another room just as the siblings entered.

Ziggy came back with a light coloured sweater, before helping Josie put it on with rie helping.

"Thanks Ziggy." Josie smiled at the woman slightly before they heard a loud growl.

"She's locked in the bathroom so she can't get out." Sam growled even louder than before drawing a 'really' face from the red headed woman.

"Take a seat." They all sat down near ziggy as she opened a really old book.
"In Shadyside the past is never in the past."

She flipped through a few pages before landing on a picture. Three young teenagers in front of a sign, two with smiles the other with a frown.

"This was July twelfth, summer of 1978." She struggled saying the words as she showed them the picture. "The first day of camp."

One of the girls looked, almost identical to Josie, just without the tattoos making the teens stare at Josie in complete and uttershock.

"A week later my sister and best friend were dead." She placed the picture down on the ground as she began relaying every single detail from her memories of the terrible night that had haunted her ever since.

Josie stared at the women whose face held nothing but pain and anger, as if she wished she could have just forgotten everything.

Why do I look like her

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now