○ Two ○

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Two girls were sprinting through the woods, hand in hand, as fast as they could.

"Shit." The red headed said muttering as the girl next to her, pushed her so she was in front.

"Come on zigster." The pair stupidly looked behind then only for the red head to get hit, dragging her friend to the floor with her.

"Shit." The brunette groaned holding onto her head that had been smacked onto a branch.

"Eli." Groaned Ziggy who stared up at the Sunnyvale assholes in front of her.

"You're gonna hang witch." The lead ringer, Shelia said looking at ziggy. She brushed off Eloise who glared at her, as she was dragged up by Will Goode, who looked slightly terrified of her. Well not of her but of those who care for her.

"Your hands go any lower Goode, I swear you will never be able to reproduce." She yelled struggling against the taller boy who went bright pink.

She watched as they strung her best friend up in front of the infamous witch tree. They chanted the bullshit rhyme that scared children into having nightmares.

"Let her down you freaks." Eli said struggling against will, who watched as his friend strung up the girl.

Sheila put her hand into Ziggy's pocket, taking out the money she had stolen from them when they had taken it from Eli's bunk.

"Well Well. Look what we have here." She looked like a idiot as she walked around ziggy slowly.

"Theft." The idiot holding onto a struggling Eli said.

"No no. She's not a theft." Sheila smirked at Eli who tried to rip out her hair. "She's possessed by the witch." She earns laughs from her stupid friends.

Ziggy swings her elbow, hitting the girls face harshly, making Eli laugh.

"Fuck you." Ziggy spat out before smirking at the blood dripping out Shelia's nose. "Guess we're even now."

"Psycho bitch." Eli said yelling at Shelia who stared at her in shock. They used to be friends once upon a time. They were both from Sunnyvale but Eloise stayed with her aunt on Shadyside most of the time.

"You know what they did to Sarah Fier right." Sheila said getting into Ziggy's face with a taunting smile. "They hung her from this very tree."

"But they would have died forever if you did what you always do to witches." She looks toward will with a smirk. "you burn them."

She screams at will for his lighter before reaching into his pocket as he struggling holding the girl.

"Are you fucking crazy?" Eli screamed looking at her friend in fear. She had managed to get a good chunk of Sheila's hair, pulling harshly before she was yanked away and shoved to the dirt.

Sheila orders her friends to hold onto Ziggy's legs as Will pins Josie down watching as she screams for her friend.

Sheila begins burning the side of ziggys arm making her scream out in pain, Eli fights against will harder before a voice screams out to them.

"What is this? Let them go now will or I'll tell mom." He stupidly let's go of Eli staring at the blonde girl in fear.

Eli watches as they let her friend down before swinging her fist towards Wills face, landing the punch directly in the eye making him fall to the ground.

She is pulled up by a blonde girl who pulled her away from the boy, who sat on ground groaning in pain, holding his face. 

"Enough Ellie." Brittney Henderson said to the girl before letting go as Eli rushed towards her friend hugging onto her.

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