○ Three ○

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The girls had walked past many campers receiving strange looks, seeing as they looked like they had been in a fight with a bear.

They were both thrown a t-shirt, Ziggy blue and Eli Red, by a Shadyside counselor, Joan, who Eli use to have a major crush on.

"I hate that we aren't on the same team." Groaned out Eli as they walked into the nurses cabin.

"Nurse Lane." Called out ziggy as they both looked around not actually seeing her as they usually did. "Hello."

"We got in trouble again." Teased Eli nudging ziggy, earning an eye roll. "We need some help."

"I could die any minute now."

"Stop being dramatic Zigster. She's probably on an errand."

They both walked into towards the semi closed door, seeing a desk but no nurse lane.

Ziggy turned an opened book towards her and Eli, the contents of the pages shocking them both.

On one side there was a picture of teenage girl, on the other, what seemed like a curse or spell, of some sorts.

"Ruby Lane" Eli quietly said to ziggy who shrugged her shoulders.

"What are you two doing?" A quiet voice behind them made the two turn around in fright.

"Holy shit." Eli said holding onto her knee she had smacked against the desk. "You scared the shit out of us."

Ziggy lifted her arm to move her hair to the side, making nurse lanes eyes lock onto her burned arm. She then looked over at the brunette girl, seeing that she had blood on her temple as well as a noticeable cut.

"Girls what did we do now?" She shook her head at them before motioning them towards a bed to fix them up.

"You first Eli." She began cleaning the wound making her wince. A plaster was then put on her cut after some type of cream was dabbed on.

"And done. Your turn ziggy."

"You are going to apply this once a day for three days. Okay." She applied the clear gel on the burn gently. "It will help fight against an infection."

"It's gross." Eli nodded in agreement with her face scrunched in disgust. Ziggy kicked her foot jokingly.

"So uhm.." Ziggy trailed off looking at Eli who finished her sentence. "What's the witches mark?"

Like a switch went off in her head, nurse lanes eyes narrowed slightly at the pair who immediately looked like they had regretted mentioning it.

"You guys have heard of my daughter right. Ruby Lane."

Ziggy tries to lie but is shut down when nurse lane begins talking.

"You do. Both of you do." She looked between the girls emotionlessly. "Tell me what they say."

"They that she she killed people at a party. Seven people." Ziggy looked scared as she spoke grabbing onto Elis hand.

"Eight people." Eli muttered looking at the women she thought of as a friend.

"Thats right eight people." Nurse Lane said looking at Eli in the eyes. "She killed herself that night as well. So eight."

"Ruby was such a sweet girl. She had a lovely voice, she was in the choir, wanted to be a singer."

She then begins to wrap ziggys arm with a bandage. "The doctors said it was a psychotic episode, that she just snapped. The kids think it was Sarah fier."

"That's a little tight." Ziggy says wincing as it was wrapped.

"You don't go from a sweet girl to ripping someone's insides out." It was like she couldn't hear anything she kept going, wrapping tighter and tighter.

"People usually kill for a reason..." Eli held onto nurse lanes wrist shocking her from whatever was going in her head.

"Nurse Lane. You're hurting ziggy." Eli spat out glaring at the older woman.

The door bell rang making the three turn to the door. A preppy Cindy Berman, ziggys sister, stood there staring at ziggy. Another person Eli use to have a crush on, well that was before she turned into a snitch.

The two friends stood up looking at Cindy before ziggy walked out.

"I'll catch you later zigster. I'll be in the cabin." She goes to walk out but a hand grabs onto her arm.

"Eloise, sweet girl I am so very sorry. I don't know what had gotten into me."

"It's okay. People are horrible. You have your own way of mourning." She turned to the nurse with a smile before walking to the door.

"Oh But if you ever hurt ziggy again. I swear to God I'll have you fired in a second. Just one call to my father and boom, Gone." She treatened with a fake smile before walking off.

She walked towards her cabin to passing will goode who sported a black eye, and a busted lip?

Nick was standing with his brother when his eyes caught onto her figure. He smiled at her waving, which she returned awkwardly. He was about to follow her when someone called out for him.

Just as Eli was about to walk into hers and ziggys cabin, Sheila and her friends rushed out laughing not seeing her.

She quickly rushed in to see a whole bunch of bullshit written above ziggys bed as well as paint all over her bed as well. Paint and some type of rotten fruit.

"Son of a bitch." She kicked the side of the bed angrily. She sat on ziggys bed that had less paint than hers. She put her face in her hands muttering a few curses.

She grabbed a bucket filling it up with water before attempting to scrub the paint off.

The door slams open and a red faced ziggy stood there watching as her friend continued scrubbing.

"It won't come off. What the fuck did they use?" She stopped scrubbing before staring at ziggy with smirk.


"Fuck yeah Revenge!" They rushed out of their cabin, arms interlocked before heading to the art cabin.

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now