"I broke up with him today." You blurted, briefly looking over at Milo as you helped your Gogoat roll the hay bail to the other side of the fenced-in field.

Ever since you moved to Galar, Milo has been one of the closest people to you. Maybe it was his friendliness that drew you to him, maybe that's why you brought up the subject of your breakup, maybe you thought that if there was a truth to the matter that you weren't seeing, or better yet ignoring, he'd kindly tell you about it so it didn't hit you as hard.

"With Darren?" He questioned, as he placed his pile of hay on top of the stack the two of you had created, before reaching down and doing the same with yours.

"Yeah," You sighed as you wiped the dirt off from your hands and onto your already grimy pants, "he cheated on me."

You felt kinda bad about dumping this on the grass type gym leader last minute like this, the two of you were having such a great time together before you mentioned you and your boyfriend had split, I think it was just eating away at you too much for you to take, you badly needed to get it off your chest. You'd probably apologize to him later with homemade curry and whatever weird seeds you could get your hands on.

"Ah, sorry to hear that," You heard him say, "at least you know now instead of later, right?"

You turned your gaze up at him, the orange glow of the setting sun illuminated in his eyes, "Yeah, I guess you're right," You said as you started towards the last two hay bails that you and he had to move today, "I still kinda feel bad about it though."

"For what?" He asked, petting one of the Wooloo as he walked beside you.

"He's done so much for me over the years that we were together, I don't feel right just abandoning him like this." You admitted, "I mean, he did pay my rent for the first couple of months when I first moved here."

He also gifted you with a Stuffle who, along the way, evolved into a Bewear. On multiple occasions, Bewear has prevented you from getting mugged. Darren also paid for half your plane ticket when you told him you wanted to explore a new region. He'd been nothing but supportive and helpful the entire time you've been together, you even thought of proposing to him once, too bad he didn't feel the same way. Or maybe it was all your fault somehow, maybe he saw his cheating on you in a different light, maybe it wasn't done with ill intentions. That doesn't sound right, though.

"You're not abandoning him," Milo reassured you, "not every relationship is going to work out. He probably had different expectations."

"Maybe." You replied as you started to roll the last hay bail. "I can never figure out how you lift these without breaking a sweat." You told him, huffing as you struggled to move the heavy block.

He chuckled lightly before replying, "I've been doing this kind of work since I was a kid, you just get used to it after a while."

"Apparently," You retorted, "You're the bulkiest guy I know! Have you ever tried Bea at an arm wrestle?"

He shook his head, "Nope, but it sounds like something I should try."

"Yeah, just don't go east on her," you said, "I know you've got a habit for doing that in competitions regarding strength."

"Yeah right, Bea'd have my head if I ever went easy on her,"  Milo remarked.

The sun now almost disappeared behind the hills of the large meadow that was Turrfeild. You doubted you'd be able to get back to your home in Hulbury before it got too dark. Maybe if you peddled fast enough you'd make it.

Milo seemed to take notice of your worrying as he spoke, "Hey, my little brother isn't home this week if you wanted to stay in his room for the night."

"You sure? I could always just rent a hotel room in Motostoke or something." You said, rummaging through your pocket before taking out Gogoats Pokeball and putting him back inside.

"Yeah I'm sure, you've helped me out a lot today, it's the least I could do." He assured as he started for his cabin not too far away from where you two were. You followed close behind not wanting to be left out in the dark all alone with all the Nickit and Theivul in the surrounding area. 

As you walked up the slight hill that lead to his porch, you faintly dragged your feet in an attempt to get some of the dirt off.  You were hit with a cold breeze of air as you stepped onto his porch and into his house. You immediately noticed how many blankets he had laying around, all without a doubt made out of Wooloo wool. There were wood beams on either side of the living room, keeping the ceiling from crashing down. Milos place had a very comforting aura to it as it smelt like cedar and different types of herbs, the earthy scent reminded you of his gym. 

"Well now don't be shy, make yourself at home." He told you, as he took his boots off at the door. You copied him and did the same thing before followed after him upstairs where he was going to show you the room you'd be staying in. The wood stairs creaked as you stepped on them up into the small hall that made up the upstairs of his homey little cabin. 

"The rooms not that big, but it works," he started as he opened the first door, "and there's a shower over there." He informed, jerking his thumb over at the door across the hall behind him where the bathroom was located. "If you want you could borrow my clothes, though I don't know how well they'd fit."

"I only need to borrow a shirt." You replied, setting your bag down next to the dresser. 

"Yeah, of course. Let me go get you one." He said as he descended down the hall to get you one of his shirts.

You ran your hand along the fabric of the bedsheets, it was soft, a lot softer than you thought it'd be, in fact, you didn't think there was a time you'd ever felt something so soft. Perks of making most of your own things I suppose. Posters covered the walls of Milo and other grass gym leaders from the different regions. You thought it was sweet how supportive Milo's little brother seemed to be. You small smile formed on your lips as you noticed the small pile of socks in the corner of the room, you had one just like it in your apartment. 

"Here you are." The sound of Milo returning made you turn your attention back up at him.

"Thank you." You replied, taking the huge white shirt from the man. "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude like this last minute."

"Don't worry about it, I love the company." He said, smiling down at you before leaving you so you could get ready for your shower. 

You rummaged through your bag for the pair of shorts you've had in here for who knows how long, you're not even sure where you got them, they just kina appeared. You then stepped into the bathroom, undressing before turning on the water and stepping into the shower. You couldn't help but think about how lucky you were to have such a caring friend. 

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