Part Three: The Queens

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The back hallway looked nothing like you expected, and in fact was more of a comfy lounge room with three doors lining the back wall and one on the left wall. There was a smaller bar to the far right, where a small group of queens sat, gossiping and laughing.

"Welcome to hell," Katya crooned in that strange voice again, arm flourishing broadly.

"What is with that accent?" you laughed, drinking in your surroundings. There was a comically large bowl of pink starburst candy on the coffee table in the centre of the room, which was flanked by comfy looking black couches. The walls were all painted black with gold cornices.

"Hm? Oh that's just my Maureen voice. Don't worry about it." Giving her a soft 'uh-huh', not listening all that closely, you checked out the signs on the doors. One was a toilet, one was the changing room, another that was labelled as 'stairs', and the last was apparently Katya's office, furthest from the bar on the opposite wall.

Katya led you towards the bar and you became nervous. You suddenly wished you had prepared some kind of pitch for these girls, rather than clumsily having to explain yourself. "Девочки!" Katya called, half of the heads turning to see her. "Meet my little friend, [Y/N]. She's an artist and she's looking for someone's ugly mug to paint. Therefore, Trixie, you should volunteer."

A giant blonde wig turned back to reveal dramatic makeup and rolling eyes. "I will physically beat you to death."

"Huh? Say again? You wanna kiss?" Katya asked.

"What? No! I said I'd murder you."

"I heard kiss." She puckered dramatically, kissing towards the taller queen.

"Yeah, loss of hearing comes with old age."

"I'm still hearing 'kiss'." A squawk of a laugh erupted from Trixie, making you giggle. For a moment you had wondered if Trixie was being serious, her deadpan delivery throwing you off guard, but now you could see it was fine. Katya turned to you again. "How about you talk with Trixie first? She's good fun."

The aforementioned queen stood and approached, towering over you in white gogo boots and a plaid pink dress. She gestured to the couches, where you both sank down. "So, what's this about? Normally Katya doesn't bring pedestrians back here."

Trixie sure was a character. She might have been interesting to paint, so you were getting a bit excited. "I'm a student at [Your City] Academy of Arts and-." Trixie interrupted you quickly.

"Shut up, I was a musical theatre student there!" You broke out in a grin.

"Seriously?! Holy shit!"

She nodded. "Yeah, totally! Next time you're in the main hall, double check the wall. My face is up there. I'm a star after all." She brushed back her wig jokingly with a haughty scoff.

Studying her face a little more carefully, you tried to find her features under the makeup, before clicking your fingers. "I've totally seen you! Brian-something, right?"

"Hey now, no government names. But that's me! Small world. So tell me, tell me, what's your assignment?" You quickly explained as best you could. "I mean, I get mistaken for Elle Fanning all the time, so if you're looking for a model, I'm your gal!" Chuckling, you thanked her.

"I do actually think you'd be a great subject, would it be okay to keep in touch?"

"Sure girl, but I gotta tell ya, usually you'd be paying out the nose to book someone like me. You're lucky you're friends with Katya." You asked why. "Oh, we're best friends - don't tell that short queen, Ginger, though." She muttered the last of the sentence behind her hand, making you giggle.

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