○ Four ○

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Ziggy just told me what had happened with Nurse Lane and Tommy, Cindy's boyfriend. We were with her less than an hour ago and she went crazy.

"Wait she actually tried to kill him?"

"Yeah apparently so." We were attempting to open the cans of paint but they wouldn't budge.

The door opens but we don't pay any attention to it but the voice almost sent ziggy to the ground in annoyance.

"What are you two doing?" I continue to try and open the bucket, ignoring their constant bickering.

"Lets go Eli." She grabbed her bucket and can of paint making me do the same before following her out.

Cindy runs after us quickly, questioning us about Nurse Lane.

"Were there drugs around?" I chuckle at her stupid question. "What's so funny Ellie?"

"Of course there were drugs around. She's a nurse."

"Well did something seem off to either of you?" We try and lose her but she continues to follow us.

"Bad things always happen to shadysiders Cindy." I say walking into the cabin, waiting for them to finishing talking, well arguing. "Even i know that."

"You're monster." Oh shit. Ziggy slams the door open to show her sister what a shit show our cabin was.

"That's what they say." Cindy stands there teary eyed making me feel slight guilty as Ziggy slams the door in her face.

"Bit harsh don't you think?" I said carefully, wincing as she stared at me.

"Whose side are you on?" I hold my hands up in surrender. "Woah chill. Your side, always."

"Better be or else I'll have no one." It was sad to hear but it was completely true. She and I had been best friends since we were babies, my aunt and her mom were close friends. So when my mom died shortly after I was born my aunt care for me when my dad worked most of the time.

"Let's get this shit started shall we." I said before playing some Buzzcocks, one of our favourite bands.

It took us more than we actually thought because before I knew it, it was no longer bright as shit outside. I had made sure the red paint thinner after we added water.

As we were mixing both of our buckets with wooden sticks we hear a few knocks.

"Go away Cindy." She had to yell over the music.

"Its me, Nick." We stare at each other in confusion. Our noses scrunched in disgust. Now was not the time.

"Go away Nick." We both called out but instead of listening, he walked in staring at the wall behind us.

"Woah. Like what you guys have done with the place." He tried to joke but saw that we were not in the mood for any.

"Not us." I muttered out awkwardly. I hadn't actually spoken to him since the end of the school year.

"I'm shocked." He started reading out what Sheila had written making me roll my eyes. "Ziggy is a witch bitch. Ziggy suck cocks in hell."


"Cornell Mustard." I say looking at him with grin. He looks over at my bed in disgust. "What the fucks wrong with them."

Ziggy glares at him while I continue to mix the paint around. "Looks like blood."

"Well we didn't have a pig so..." I trailed off wishing he would go away.

"Carrie. Cool." We snap our heads to look at him. Holy shit. "You've actually read Carrie." I smiled at him.

"Yeah second favourite after salems lot." My God he's me but guy form. I dropped my stick and stared at him.

"Still paint seems a little pedestrian." Oooh and never mind.

Ziggy scoffs at him "Oh I'm sorry. Do you have a better idea?"

"Maybe." He grins at me making my face feel slightly flushed. My game was off. Big time.

"Shouldn't you be turning us in or something?" Ziggy had stopped stirring the paint to concentrate on glaring at him. I nudged her to make her stop but she didn't.

"I should be supervising colourwar but noticed that Eli was MIA.." He didn't get to finish what he was saying cause ziggy cut him off.

"So you decided to stalk my best friend." Seriously. "Zigster stop." I whisper to her, nudging her with my foot.

"Check in on her actually. But clearly you don't need my assistance." He began walking backwards toward the door. "Be my guest. Carrie on."

I nudge her with a pout as he turns away. She looks at me and rolls her eyes.

"Wait! What's your idea?" He pulled out a key from his pocket.

"Science and Nature." He smirked making me rush up and walk to him, grabbing the keys.

"Come on Zigster we can't do this without you." I flutter my eyelashes at her making her groan before she stood up.

"Fine." I hook my arm around hers before rushing towards the cabin with Nick next to me.


Unbeknownst to the three, as they worked to fill a bucket with insects a blonde girl stared at them with a frown, her arms crossed.

She watched as the the Eloise walked into the outhouse setting up candles and flowers while the other two stood there arguing with each other.

She quietly walked towards them without Eli noticing them. She cleared her throat making them turn to her with pissed off expressions.

"Hello losers." She glared at them.

"Ugh what do you want?" Ziggy said glaring at the girl who broke her best friends heart a few months ago.

"Just seeing how she was." They all look to see Eli lighting the candles. "You keep getting her in trouble Christine."

She looks at Nick smirk, her eyes go up and down, a teasing smile appears on her face. "Oh Nick she will never go for you. No matter how hard you try and charm her. You will never win."

"Piss off Brit." Nick bit back but you could tell he was beginning to become nervous at her expression. Her reputation of being a bitch was very much true and being a jealous one was worse.

"I'm not going to tell either of you again. Back off of Eloise." She looked behind them, her eyes softening as the girl walked out watching them.

Brit smiled at her only to see the girl cross her arms and look at the ground.

"Come on. She should be here soon." Eli then walked back into the outhouse. "See you later Brit."

"Okay." She yelled back with grin, she turned to the two in front of her with a glare. "I'm serious. She's mine."

"Bitch." The two whisper, smirking at each other, finally bonding over their hatred for the queen bitch.

Britt walked off towards her cabin, where she found her brother Kurt waiting for her.

"Ready to go?" Shaking her head no. She decided to not to actually stay outside where there was heaps of bugs and dirt.

"I'm actually gonna say here baby brother. Not in the mood."

"You're only a few minutes older." She smirked before watching him walk off.

She laid on her bed, lighting a joint. She soon fell asleep not knowing what was about to happen to her ex and her friends in the next hour.

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now